DarwinsBuddy / WienerNetzeSmartmeter

A home-assistant integration supporting WienerNetze Smartmeters as sensors
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since middle of January statistic entities are not working #216

Closed 2023alpha2023 closed 4 months ago

2023alpha2023 commented 5 months ago

hi again, the new version 1.4.5 didn't solve the problem. Until around 17.01.24 I got this data in the home assistent energy dashboard (I add two statistic entities)

Bildschirmfoto 2024-01-29 um 20 09 11

Everything is fine, Verbrauch and Netzeinspeisung are working Yellow bar: data from an solar inverter

since 18.01.24 both statistic entities are not working and I got unclear data e.g.:

Bildschirmfoto 2024-01-29 um 20 10 21

Three bars for Verbrauch, rest is missing Netzeinspeisung: no bar

Is there any idea or trick to solve the problem? If I remember correctly version 1.4.0 or 1.4.1 was working. I tried a couple of things:

-> no impact, still unclear data

manolitto commented 5 months ago

have a similar problem:

Screenshot 2024-02-01 at 21 21 54

Screenshot 2024-02-01 at 21 22 11

simmac commented 5 months ago

Similar issue for me. Look into your logs to see whether you get the same message, this is what I see in my logs:

Unable to load consumption

Please file an issue with this error and (anonymized) payload in github {'hasSmartMeter': True, 'isDataDeleted': False, 'zaehlpunkt': 'AT0010000000000000001000000[redacted], 'type': 'TAGSTROM', 'address': '[redacted]', 'zip': '[redacted]'} {'consumptionYesterdayValue': 10569, 'consumptionYesterdayValidated': True, 'consumptionYesterdayTimestamp': '2024-01-28T23:00:00.000Z', 'consumptionDayBeforeYesterdayValue': 14475, 'consumptionDayBeforeYesterdayValidated': True, 'consumptionDayBeforeYesterdayTimestamp': '2024-01-27T23:00:00.000Z'} {} {'optIn': True, 'consumptionAverage': 0, 'consumptionMinimum': 0, 'consumptionMaximum': 0}

tixoman commented 4 months ago

had the same problem. My solution: deleting the 0 entries in the recorder database every day.

DELETE FROM statistics WHERE metadata_id IN ( SELECT ID FROM statistics_meta WHERE statistic_id LIKE '%AT00%' ) AND state = 0 AND SUM = 0 AND start_ts >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP( DATE_ADD( UTC_DATE(), INTERVAL -1 DAY) )

So i have no negative consumption and the import is also running correct every day.

DarwinsBuddy commented 4 months ago

Please upgrade to v1.4.6 and follow instructions in FAQs How can I start over with a fresh data import?

manolitto commented 4 months ago

Please upgrade to v1.4.6 and follow instructions in FAQs How can I start over with a fresh data import?

Hmm, I upgraded and followed the FAQ guide (btw. small typo there, guess it should be "Days to keep" instead of "Days to remove"?) After a restart and the reinstall of the integration everything looked fine. A little later after another restart (actually a reboot) the Energy Board again shows a huge negative consumption for today (!?).

Will report what happens tomorrow after the next data import run...

lukas-berger commented 4 months ago

Same here, followed the guide in the FAQ and seeing -1096.2 kWh consumption for today.

stefanschramek commented 4 months ago

I have the same issues, as mentioned here https://github.com/DarwinsBuddy/WienerNetzeSmartmeter/issues/219