DarwinsBuddy / WienerNetzeSmartmeter

A home-assistant integration supporting WienerNetze Smartmeters as sensors
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Subsequent update to statistics after initial import is still not working #226

Open patakfal opened 3 months ago

patakfal commented 3 months ago

222 was closed but did not solve the problem, running 1.4.7 and the issue still persists, no update after initial load of historical data..

patakfal commented 2 months ago

Does anyone else still have the same issue after 1.4.7? Or I am alone with this?

reox commented 2 months ago

What does the log say? Please also check the debug log if the request to the API is actually send and what the answer is.

patakfal commented 2 months ago


This is last hour log, it seems it queries the previous days since the last successful historical date import took place. But no update on it ever since...

reox commented 2 months ago

okay, so there is simply no new data in the API (all the values are null). does it correctly show up in the wiener netze web portal? If it does, I would guess that the Zählpunktnummer ist different...

patakfal commented 2 months ago

The historical data was successful, but after that it shows "there is no data for this period". Zählpunktnummer AT0010000000000000001000015057713 is consistent. The only API call that shows data is in https://api.wstw.at/gateway/WN_SMART_METER_PORTAL_API_B2C/1.0/zaehlpunkt/consumptions, which shows Yesterday and DayBeforeYesterday that value is correct also on WienEnergie web portal...

W-M-B commented 2 months ago

Same problem for me. Wiener Netze Portal Shows realistic data. Home assistant wnsm show parts only random to me. Seems that hourly values don't show up... I deleted and removed everything 2x.

Happy to help with more details or debug session. But my coding skills are limited. IMG_6264 IMG_6267 IMG_6266 IMG_6265

DarwinsBuddy commented 2 months ago

Just looking at the logs and the issue reported. It seems that the API is not reporting flaky to no values back. Does this issue still persist? @W-M-B @patakfal ?

When the historical data is fetched it can take up to 2 hours to show in the dashboard. What is reported by WienerNetze though is beyond our control.

W-M-B commented 2 months ago

update from my side: I did a clean up yesterday: deleted everything, rebootet, checked deleted some more (maybe the FAQ section needs an update, I will propose) rebootet. first ingestion now looks good so far.. I will update if the next days is fine. I have 1 smartmeter (consumption only)

W-M-B commented 2 months ago

update: data update works fine. from my point of view the api and WNSM works fine (again). issue most likely some undeleted data in my system that caused the problem or onthe API side

W-M-B commented 2 months ago

@patakfal do you still have the problem?

For me it is fixed. Cause : incomplete deletion of data. Working now for 4 days