DasUnicorn / WordWeave

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User Story: Visual Tag Distinction #15

Open DasUnicorn opened 9 months ago

DasUnicorn commented 9 months ago

Description Of Service Or Screen: Visual Tag Distinction

User Objective: As a WordWeave user, I want to visually distinguish threads in my timeline based on the tags I follow, so that I can quickly identify and engage with content related to specific interests.

Acceptance Criteria:

DasUnicorn commented 7 months ago

after seeing the result the distinction is not necessary anymore. The original idea was to have a specific color for each tag, so that people can distinct them easily. This would be possible by adding a color parameter to each thread, but after experimenting with it, it is hard to find colors that match the overall design at random when generating. I think its is better to have the dsign than just a colorful mess. Therefore this ticket is removed from shoud-have to could-have and I might look at it later in the process again.