Dasffion / Mastercraft

Mastercraft Suite
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Enchanting tries to put loop in bag_enchanting #10

Closed dylb0t closed 4 years ago

dylb0t commented 4 years ago

get my loop

You get an augmenting loop from inside your duffel bag.

mastercraft.cmd(2170): [return:] mastercraft.cmd(2171): [return] mastercraft.cmd(1761): [gosub repair.tool loop] mastercraft.cmd(1782): [var repair.temp loop] mastercraft.cmd(1783): [repair.tool_1:] mastercraft.cmd(1784): [if 0 = 1 then] mastercraft.cmd(1785): [send analyze my loop] mastercraft.cmd(1786): [pause 1] analyze my loop You analyze every minute detail of the augmenting loop and smile knowingly to yourself. mastercraft.cmd(166): [var tool.repair in pristine condition] This appears to be a crafting tool and it is in pristine condition. Useful for gaining insight into an item's pattern. mastercraft.cmd(161): [var (analyze) item.quality well-crafted] The workmanship is well-crafted (8/13). Assessing the loop's durability, you determine it is marginally vulnerable to damage. This tool appears to be tremendously ineffective at increasing crafting speed. Roundtime: 10 sec. R> RT with no EXP.

R> mastercraft.cmd(1787): [if "in pristine condition" = "in pristine condition" || "in pristine condition" = "practically in mint condition" then] mastercraft.cmd(1787): [return] mastercraft.cmd(1762): [unvar repair.temp] mastercraft.cmd(1763): [gosub STOW_RIGHT] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1566): [if "loop" != "" then] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1567): [{] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1568): [if matchre("stick|jar|sieve|pestle|mortar|mixing stick|metal sieve|driftwood mortar|driftwood pestle|shovel|tongs|diagonal-peen hammer|hammer|leather bellows|bellows|rod|stirring rod|curved shovel|straight tongs", "loop") then ] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1574): [}] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1575): [else ] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1576): [{] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1577): [if matchre("diagonal-peen hammer|curved shovel|straight tongs|hooked pliers|leather bellows|stirring rod|iron chisel|bone saw|iron rasp|square riffler|tools|carving knife|wood shaper|metal drawknife|metal clamps|sewing needles|ka'hurst scissors|slickstone|silversteel yardstick|uthamar awl|marble jar|driftwood mortar|mixing stick|driftwood pestle|metal sieve|burin|loop", "loop") then ] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1578): [{] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1579): [gosub PUT_IT my loop in my bag_enchanting] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1410): [var PutIt my loop in my bag_enchanting] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1411): [var LOCATION PUT_IT_1] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1412): [pause 0.0001] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1413): [PUT_IT_1:] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1414): [matchre WAIT ^...wait|^Sorry\,] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1415): [matchre IMMOBILE ^You don't seem to be able to move to do that] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1416): [matchre WEBBED ^You can't do that while entangled in a web] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1417): [matchre STUNNED ^You are still stunned] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1418): [matchre RETURN ^With a flick] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1419): [matchre RETURN ^You (?:put|drop) ..] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1420): [matchre RETURN ^Please rephrase that command.] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1421): [matchre RETURN ^. what\?] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1422): [matchre RETURN ^I could not find what you were referring to.] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1423): [matchre RETURN ^What were you referring to\? ] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1424): [matchre RETURN ^The (\S+) can only hold] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1425): [matchre TRASH ^This appears too far altered to enchant] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1426): [matchre BAG_FULL no matter how you arrange it] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1427): [matchre PUT_IT_1 ^[Putting an item on the brazier begins the enchanting process] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1428): [send put my loop in my bag_enchanting] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1429): [matchwait 15] put my loop in my bag_enchanting What were you referring to?

mastercraft.cmd(2170): [return:] mastercraft.cmd(2171): [return] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1580): [}] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1581): [else ] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1584): [}] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1585): [}] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1588): [}] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1589): [return] mastercraft.cmd(1764): [math temp add 1] mastercraft.cmd(1765): [if 1 > 0 then] mastercraft.cmd(1766): [{] mastercraft.cmd(1767): [unvar temp] mastercraft.cmd(1768): [unvar temp.max] mastercraft.cmd(1769): [return] mastercraft.cmd(834): [goto process.order] mastercraft.cmd(1143): [if 0 = 1 then] mastercraft.cmd(1144): [if 0 = 1 then] mastercraft.cmd(1145): [if ((matchre("artif", "carving|shaping|tailor|tinkering")) && (0 = 1) && ($MC_PREFERRED.ROOM != 236)) then] mastercraft.cmd(1146): [if (((0 = 0) && !matchre("441|442|443|444", "236")) || (matchre("artif", "blacksmith|armor|weapon"))) then] mastercraft.cmd(1146): [gosub find.room 441|442|443|444] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(844): [if "artif" = "remed" then] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(845): [var find.room 441|442|443|444] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(847): [if ((matchre("441|442|443|444", "236")) && matchre("", "$MC_FRIENDLIST|(^$)")) then] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(848): [var temp 0] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(849): [eval temp.max count("441|442|443|444","|")] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(850): [find.room2:] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(851): [gosub automove 441] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1088): [var toroom 441] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1089): [if 236 = 0 then ] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1093): [}] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1094): [automovecont:] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1095): [match automovecont2 Bonk! You smash your nose.] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1096): [match return YOU HAVE ARRIVED] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1097): [match automovecont1 YOU HAVE FAILED] mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1098): [put #goto 441] [AutoMapper] Destination ID #441 not found. mastercraft.cmd, mc_include.cmd(1099): [matchwait 90]

dylb0t commented 4 years ago

This is user-error from manually merging MC_Setup. put #var MC_TOOLSTORAGE_Enchanting bag should be put #var MC_TOOL.STORAGE_Enchanting bag