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DASH MPD would look like after SSAI has been done #50

Open haudiobe opened 5 years ago

haudiobe commented 5 years ago

Dear all,

HbbTV is looking at expanding it's DASH-DRM reference app and content to include SSAI based on multi-period DASH. Since HbbTV is a device/player spec, it would not include the SSAI process but would include one or more DASH MPDs that are representative of what an MPD would look like after SSAI has been performed.

I've made a proposal of what I think an MPD might look like after SSAI (see attached). This is based on input from some HbbV members about what has been found to cause problems (e.g. transitions between periods with and without subtitles/captions).

Would any of you have the time and the knowledge to comment on how this fits with the expected output from an SSAI process?

Can any of you suggest other people with time and perhaps more knowledge about what the an MPD might look like after SSAI?

Not including xlink in this example is currently deliberate but open to debate if the industry consensus is that everyone will use xlink and SSAI systems (such as they exist today) use xlink.

This attachment Reference Streams for Multi Period DASH - 2019-07-05 - extract.docx is an extract of a larger document that sets context. I can send DASH-IF the full document via liaison if that is preferred.

HbbTV doesn't have the money to cover all combinations of everything. Some of this is explained in the larger document.



technogeek00 commented 4 years ago

Did we ever get a link to the example? If this call is still out and the group agrees on what to provide I can generate said manifests.