Dash-Industry-Forum / CPIX

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Unique system identifier for CPIX #105

Closed haudiobe closed 1 year ago

haudiobe commented 1 year ago

Based on MPEG Liaison, we ask for the following:

MPEG has included the DASH-IF’s CPIX format in their REAP Working Draft and are interested to get our feedback including potentially defining a unique system identifier for CPIX for signaling in I-MPD. Registration of a UUID for CPIX would be needed.

WG03N0722, Working Draft of ISO/IEC 23009-9 Redundant encoding and packaging for segmented live media (REAP), which was previously called encoder and packager synchronization

RufaelDev commented 1 year ago

Correct, the idea is to be able to signal CPIX in the MPD, current text in the working draft states the following:

  1. In the case an AdaptationSet signals encrypted tracks, the ContentProtection element shall be present with the following constraints: i. The dashif:Laurl element shall be present in the ContentProtection element and contain a URL of a license server. The authentication server shall not be used. ii. The URL of the license server shall start with https:// and should use mutually authenticated TLS for the purpose. In this case the value of dashif:Laurl.licenseType shall include the string “mtls” iii. A response of the license server should be a valid CPIX document. iv. In case both decryption and encryption are needed, the value of dashif:Laurl.licenseType used for decryption shall include the string “decrypt”.

It would be useful to get the opinion of the cps group on the idea of signalling cpix as a DRM. Then a second step could be that either MPEG or DASH-IF defines a system id for this.

lpiron commented 1 year ago

This looks like a valid approach, Few questions/comments

RufaelDev commented 1 year ago

@lpiron thank you for the feedback i drafted a potential response on this and uploaded it on causeway: https://members.dashif.org/wg/CPS/document/4750

lpiron commented 1 year ago

Closing as MPEG meeting dealing with this happened in January.