Dash-Industry-Forum / DASH-IF-Conformance

This repository provides the source code for MPEG-DASH/DASH-IF Conformance Software/Validator. It has been extended according to further standards, such as CMAF, DVB-DASH, HbbTV, and CTA WAVE.
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"Segment Validation: Segment validator output should not contain errors" non-integer minBufferTime not supported? #658

Closed Murmur closed 1 year ago

Murmur commented 1 year ago


Manifest has minBufferTime="PT1.500S" value but error message indicates 1sec value, non-integer values not supported?

According to DASH-IF IOP Section 3.2.8 @bandwidth of the Representation (427395 bps) is set too low given the @minimumBufferTime (1 s), the minimum @bandwidth value required to conform is 449818 bps.

Test content, capped to 24s but real duration is 384s but it takes too much time to run on a conformance tool. https://refapp.hbbtv.org/videos/00_llama_h264_v8/manifest_1080p_24s.mpd https://refapp.hbbtv.org/videos/00_llama_h264_v8/manifest_1080p.mpd

Murmur commented 1 year ago

This is not fixed yet in Validator(staging), manifest has minBufferTime="PT1.500S" value but a validator tool see @minimumBufferTime (1 s) value, probably non-integer not supported in this extra cpp cmdline tool?

SEGMENT_VALIDATION: Segment validator output should not contain errors
✓ ../src/ValidateAtoms.cpp : 3999 : colr atom of type nclx found, the software does not handle colr atoms of this type.
✗ ### error:
### ../src/PostprocessData.cpp : 1147 : ### error:
### According to DASH-IF IOP Section 3.2.8 @bandwidth of the Representation (427395 bps) is set too low given the @minimumBufferTime (1 s), the minimum @bandwidth value required to conform is 449818 bps.


dsilhavy commented 1 year ago

This might just be a casting issue in the printed message. It looks like all the values are casted to long before they are printed in the message.

dsilhavy commented 1 year ago

The output was fixed in #663

of the Representation (427395 bps) is set too low given the @minimumBufferTime (1.500000 s), the minimum @bandwidth value required to conform is 449818 bps