Dash-Industry-Forum / DASH-IF-IOP

DASH-IF Interoperability Points issue tracker and document source code
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Updated 01-21 to reference MPEG DASH and CMAF, and to classify which… #376

Closed irajs closed 4 years ago

irajs commented 4 years ago

… requirements are coming from those standards.

also updated references and fix linking issues in the previous pull requrest

irajs commented 4 years ago

Please review the changes I made before Wed Aug 14 meeting, before approving the community review

documentbot commented 4 years ago

Automated build report

Build failed. Outputs are not available if the build fails.

Exception calling "Validate" with "1" argument(s): "Bikeshed document validation failed. Adjust the document to eliminate all errors and warnings. Server returned the following output: Error running preprocessor, returned code: 1.FATAL ERROR: Found unmatched text macro [MPEGCMAF]. Correct the macro, or escape it with a leading backslash. ?  Did not generate, due to fatal errors"

Explore the build logs for more details.

This comment will be updated after each build. Last update was at 2019-08-12 22:12:02Z.