Dash-Industry-Forum / DocumentAuthoring

GitHub+Bikeshed based document authoring guide and associated tooling.
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Mark automated build outputs somehow, to ensure they cannot be mistaken for published documents #1

Open sandersaares opened 5 years ago

sandersaares commented 5 years ago

There is a certain formal process that a document must go through to have a revision "published", ending up with the document being linked on https://dashif.org/guidelines.

However, documents that result from automated builds look the same as those published on https://dashif.org/guidelines!

There is a danger that someone will share an automated build PDF and it will be mistaken for a final published version. To avoid the potential for misrepresentation, we should somehow mark the automated build outputs as prerelease versions and require an explicit "OK, mark this as published" action by an editor to generate a "clean" copy.