Dash-Industry-Forum / DocumentAuthoring

GitHub+Bikeshed based document authoring guide and associated tooling.
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automatic numbering of figures and tables captions #9

Open irajs opened 5 years ago

sandersaares commented 5 years ago

To get automatic numbering, use <figure> and <figcaption>.

I have updated the examples:

irajs commented 5 years ago

How do you separate figure number vs table vs equation numbering? Using figure tags will number everything as figures.

sandersaares commented 5 years ago

Yes, there is no separation right now. Does it matter?

I admit I do not see the benefit of the numbering at all, so the use cases are not clear to me (after all, the numbers would change between document versions anyway as content gets added/removed, so they are worthless as a reference).

irajs commented 5 years ago

it doesn't in a documentation environment supporting (hyper)linking. But if an spec would eventually go to a publication outlet that uses no linking capabilities, i.e a pdf or word, for which you need to reference a figure/table/equation in other spec, then lack of numbering would be an issue.

For the above reason, an organization like ETSI may require numbering the figures/tables/equations. So if/when we want publish our spec through them, we need to number them at the time of submission, which would be pain to maintain two different copies now.