Dash-Industry-Forum / IOPv5

IOP v5 editing for tracking issues
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Part 10: addition of KLV event scheme #26

Open nicoweilelemental opened 2 years ago

nicoweilelemental commented 2 years ago

Hi, could we add a sub-section for KLV in section 7?

Identifier: urn:misb:KLV:bin:1910.1 value="KLVx:01FC" (for synchronous KLV metadata) value="KLVx:01BD" (for asynchronous KLV metadata) where 'x' is the metadata stream ID.

Event Type: Inband

Reference: MISB ST19.10.1 (https://gwg.nga.mil/misb/docs/standards/ST1910.1.pdf)

Comment: KLV metadata


  1. Message_data contains binary KLV data in the form of one or more KLV Packets (as defined by the Motion Imagery Handbook) as a series of bytes.
  2. No explicit dispatch mode for the above event is defined.