Dash-Industry-Forum / MPEG

Collects issues that need to be reported to MPEG
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Items discussed during the MPEG liaison call #26

Open irajs opened 3 years ago

irajs commented 3 years ago

Possible update paragraphs and owners of liaison:

  1. Update on our progress on V5 (Thomas)
  2. Ask Daniel if he needs to provide any update on conformance software/test vectors (Daniel)
  3. New release of dash.js (Will)
  4. Content protection update/request (Laurent)
  5. CMAF related issues (Thomas). Ask to consider addressing missing segment signaling in CMAF (Alex).
  6. We support the MPEG's work in AMD2 (Iraj). We also request for MPEG to consider issuing a new edition.
  7. https://github.com/Dash-Industry-Forum/MPEG/issues/23 (Ye-Kui)
  8. (Maybe) Adding new metrics (https://github.com/Dash-Industry-Forum/MPEG/issues/24) (Thomas-Daniel)

timeline: -Everybody provides their text by Friday to Iraj.

haudiobe commented 3 years ago

Please also add: https://github.com/Dash-Industry-Forum/Live/issues/71

wilaw commented 3 years ago

@Iraj - here is the text for item [3].

Over the past 3months, dash.js open source project released version 3.1.2 of the dash.js player on July 24 2020 and version 3.1.3 on Sept 8 2020. These releases are defined here: https://github.com/Dash-Industry-Forum/dash.js/releases. Together, these releases brought the following improvements: