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DASH-IF Test Vectors
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Consolidating Unified streaming CMAF content #126

Open waqarz opened 4 years ago

waqarz commented 4 years ago

This is the WD from MPEG that DASH-IF expects CMAF content to be conforming to: https://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx?resid=D699C028F8104923!27596&ithint=file%2cdocx&authkey=!ALatpk4rtm5gwzg.

Here in the bottom few, there are the Unified streaming test vectors http://testassets.dashif.org/#feature/details/5d7a52d1a5eeda55aa66335a

So DASH-IF expects the vectors to be aligned to the WD, can you please check this?

RufaelDev commented 4 years ago

The vectors are for CMAF not for this WD

waqarz commented 4 years ago

The vectors are for CMAF not for this WD

@RufaelDev understood, but the question is more the following: someone needs to look at the MPDs and see if anything needs to be updated according to the WD. As far as I see, 80% of what is in the WD is already what we know as common knowledge (that a track is a representation etc.). I can check if there are any still any gaps, even though we think its unlikely. Does this make sense?

RufaelDev commented 4 years ago

It makes sense to check, I believe compared to WD the urn and segmentProfiles need to be added to the mpd. You could do this by manually changing the mpd files. My main point is that this WD needs to be reviewed more in DASH-IF and promoted in MPEG, then reference streams/software can follow, at this stage creating reference streams for DASH CMAF seems early, as we don't know what the final specification will be.