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ECCP does not work properly #165

Closed tobbee closed 4 months ago

tobbee commented 4 months ago

From @dsilhavy on DASH-IF slack:

I generated a stream with ECCP enabled: https://livesim2.dashif.org/livesim2/eccp_cbcs/testpic_2s/Manifest.mpd. Two questions: I am getting CORS errors when testing in https://reference.dashif.org/dash.js/nightly/samples/dash-if-reference-player/index.html. It looks like the preflight request to https://livesim2.dashif.org/livesim2/eccp_cbcs/testpic_2s/eccp.json fails Even without a valid response from https://livesim2.dashif.org/livesim2/eccp_cbcs/testpic_2s/eccp.json the playback still works. Shouldn't this fail as we dont have a valid key for decryption.

Response from @tobbee

Thanks for your feedback. I missed the CORS errors since I used dash.js via livesim2 that proxies the code so CORS is no issue. That should be a quick fix. The other bullet makes me believe that the segments are not properly encrypted. I got a similar experience when using Safari which complained about the keys, but played the segments. I think that Safari does not support ClearKey, so the playback should not be possible. Is that your view as well? I just checked, and the segments do not include any encryption boxes, so the encryption never happened. Will fix that, of course

tobbee commented 4 months ago

Still some CORS issue with v1.2.1, so need some more debugging...

tobbee commented 4 months ago

Fixed in v1.2.2