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NovaCustom NV41 (pz-i7) - Num-Lock Choices #697

Open fsbof opened 5 months ago

fsbof commented 5 months ago

The problem you're addressing (if any)

On the NovaCustom NV41, the Num-Lock function operates differently to many other laptop keyboards which was confusing to me at first. It offers more functionality but with a compromise.

On most laptop keyboards I have ever used (which may be the issue of course!) enabling the Num-Lock function, means that pressing the 'u' key will result in a '4'. With the NovaCustom NV41, after enabling the Num-Lock function (which has no physical indicator light) pressing the 'u' key still results in a 'u'. In order to get a '4' you need to press 'Fn'+'u'.

The additional functionality is that with the Num-Lock disabled, pressing 'Fn'+'u' moves the cursor left the same way it would on an external number pad or 104-key keyboard when Num-Lock is disabled.


Describe the solution you'd like

It would be great to have a check box in the firmware that allowed the user to choose between this awesome functionality and the alternative option to just press the 'u' to get a '4'.

I also don't believe there is an option to boot with num-lock enabled. This option only seems to make sense though for external keyboards. Paired with the current method though this would mean 'Fn'+'u' would produce a '4' rather than a left cursor move which seems ok. So this would seem to need 3 options -> Off, External (USB?) Keyboards only, On

Where is the value to a user, and who might that user be?

People who are used to using the Num-Lock function to enable a single keypress and/or who often use a number pad such as old-school typists or people who work with numbers (bookkeepers and accountants etc) to quickly enter a lot of numbers accurately.

Describe alternatives you've considered

The NV41 also offers Fn-Lock, but this only seems to work with the Function keys. If this was extended to the number pad it might work but I expected the results would be confusing.

Use an external keyboard with a number pad - not a very mobile solution.

Additional context

I think this is a nice to have but not essential feature. I think the current offering shows a capability that isn't everywhere else and shouldn't be lost. I put it here because it seemed to be the right place to put it and will allow others in the community to provide their feedback. The developers can assess the user response and go from there. Thank you.

macpijan commented 2 weeks ago

@BeataZdunczyk Can we at least schedule analysis of this issue?