Dasharo / open-source-firmware-validation

OSFV infrastructure with automated tests and scripts for managing test results
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CPF stress-test-windows script issues #480

Open philipandag opened 3 weeks ago

philipandag commented 3 weeks ago



RTE version


OSFV version


Affected component(s) or functionality

CPF cpu frequency tests under load on Windows

Brief summary

The script is not run automatically, when run manually only uses 4 cores and ends early which is hardcoded

How reproducible

100% on this device and branch

How to reproduce

Run a test like CPF-004.004, check the CPU usage, check che stress-test-windows.ps1 script code

Expected behavior

The cpu should run at ~100% during the whole test

Actual behavior

The clock measurements don't start until the load ends. Then the cpu is running at ~1% usage. Running the script manually does stress the 4 hard-coded cores which results in ~25% usage on this device for about a minute. Even after increasing the hardcoded core count the cpu usage in task manager rises to at most ~60%.

Link to screenshots or logs

$numCores = 4 # <-- Only 4 cores, should not be hardcoded but determined on per-device basis

foreach ($loopnumber in 1..$numCores){
    Start-Job -ScriptBlock{
    $result = 1
        foreach ($number in 1..40000000){   # <-- Ends after 40mln iterations which takes about a minute, the length of the test
            $result = $result * $number           # should not depend on how fast is the DUT

Wait-Job *
Receive-Job *
Remove-Job *

Additional context

Maybe there is some reliable tool we could use instead of writing a stress script

Solutions you've tried

Increasing number of workers and iterations, running the script manually

philipandag commented 4 days ago

I have tried to make the jobs time-bound and to get the core count dynamically:

$numCores = (Get-CimInstance Win32_ComputerSystem).NumberOfLogicalProcessors

foreach ($loopnumber in 1..$numCores){
    $end_time = (Get-Date).AddMinutes(60) # Parametrize stress length
    Start-Job -ScriptBlock{
        $result = 7
        while ((Get-Date) -lt ($end_time)){
            # Is this really the best operation to stress the system?
            $result = $result * $result

Wait-Job *
Receive-Job *
Remove-Job *

This script does not work as well. The core count is ok but the jobs still stop after a couple seconds.