Dashticz / dashticz_v2

Alternative dashboard for Domoticz
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Better error handling? #274

Open grvy opened 6 years ago

grvy commented 6 years ago

Is there anyway to get better error handling? I have been trying to get this dashboard to work for months now, I see all these beatifull dashboards being posted on the domoticz forums and everytime I try using those; (with my own config) I just get a blank screen a white blank screen to be precise.

No information as to whats wrong; no errors nothing.. just white. At one point I had this dashboard and it actually gave me some information (the weather) and I was like "OMG FINNALLY" but then it just wouldnt show any idx switches.. I just dont understand.

How come I cant just copy a existing config and modify it to suit my needs? do I really need to build it all out from scratch?

grvy commented 6 years ago

Just for completeness; this is the config i am using atm, and I get 0 switches shown. Maybe its something simple but any error handling anywhere to just see where' its failing would be so helpfull.. just the part that has the defining, the above is all correct as I used that on a different dashboard and it did show stuff.

var buttons = {} buttons.buienradar = {width:12, isimage:true, image: 'http://api.buienradar.nl/image/1.0/Rada ... =285&h=256', url: 'http://www.weeronline.nl/Europa/Nederland/Son/4058667'} buttons.calendar = {width:4, icon: 'fa-calendar', title: 'Kalender', url: 'https://calendar.google.com/calendar'} buttons.radio = {width:12, image: 'img/radio_on.png', title: 'Radio', url: 'http://nederland.fm'} buttons.nunl = {width:4, icon: 'fa-newspaper-o', title: 'Nu.nl', url: 'http://www.nu.nl'} buttons.nzbget = {width:4, icon: 'fa-download', title: 'NZBget', url: ''} buttons.moon= {width:12, isimage:true, refreshimage:60000, image: 'moon'}

var blocks = {} blocks['blocktitle_1'] = {} blocks['blocktitle_1']['type'] = 'blocktitle'; blocks['blocktitle_1']['title'] = 'Schakelaars';

blocks['news_2'] = {} blocks['news_2']['feed'] = 'https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/https://www.nu.nl/rss/algemeen';

var columns = {} columns[1] = {} columns[1]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_1',8,'news_2'] columns[1]['width'] = 5;

columns[2] = {} columns[2]['blocks'] = [buttons.calendar,buttons.nzbget,buttons.nunl,'currentweather_big','weather',145,284,287,286,150,151,5,97,301,302] //kodi: ,298 columns[2]['width'] = 5;

columns[3] = {} columns[3]['blocks'] = ['clock',buttons.moon,buttons.buienradar,'streamplayer'] columns[3]['width'] = 2;

var columns_standby = {} columns_standby[1] = {} columns_standby[1]['blocks'] = ['clock','currentweather_big','weather'] columns_standby[1]['width'] = 12;

var screens = {} screens[1] = {} screens[1]['background'] = 'bg1.jpg'; screens[1]['columns'] = [1,2,3]

DewGew commented 6 years ago

Try and change the setting for Authentication to "Basic-Auth" in Domoticz.

grvy commented 6 years ago

That is enabled ofcourse..

aalwash commented 6 years ago

@grvy do you have an console output? And can you check your network tab in the developer tools.

Maybe something is failing? I do know, that if there is an issue with the config file (like syntax error), you get a blank page without any warning.