Dashticz / dashticz_v2

Alternative dashboard for Domoticz
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Push ON action not activated for push on button in dashtics #300

Open wormiedk opened 6 years ago

wormiedk commented 6 years ago

I have configured a few push on button to activate commands on my Broadlink BR3 mini. Everyting works correctly if pushing the buttons inside domoticz. However if I use the same switches inside dashticz there is a delay of approx 30 seconds from I push the switch to the action is triggerede in domoticz. If I instead add a button which executes the API command in domoticz I get an instant response. My config file is here:

var config = {} config['domoticz_ip'] = ''; config['user_name'] = ''; config['pass_word'] = ''; config['app_title'] = 'Alberg Peters'; config['room_plan'] = '0'; config['domoticz_refresh'] = '5'; config['dashticz_refresh'] = '60'; config['default_news_url'] = 'http://www.nu.nl/rss/algemeen'; config['news_scroll_after'] = '7'; config['theme'] = 'default'; config['background_image'] = 'img/bg2.jpg'; config['standby_after'] = '0'; config['auto_swipe_back_to'] = 1; config['auto_swipe_back_after'] = '10'; config['auto_slide_pages'] = ''; config['slide_effect'] = 'slide'; config['standard_graph'] = 'hours'; config['language'] = 'da_DK'; config['timeformat'] = 'DD-MM-YY HH:mm'; config['calendarformat'] = 'dd DD.MM HH:mm'; config['calendarlanguage'] = 'da_DK'; config['calendarurl'] = 'webcal://p02-calendars.icloud.com/published/2/y0f_7pIbac2F_p_xJmcW3PvlwgYisGhV8UCLmmD4_CYTkaTsiqN2Zd3bP--MXcp3QESFyAIt3ceplMocNj0IyxbJAyjjhz4iYCNTMShUSgE'; config['boss_stationclock'] = 'RedBoss'; config['gm_api'] = ''; config['gm_zoomlevel'] = ''; config['gm_latitude'] = ''; config['gm_longitude'] = ''; config['speak_lang'] = 'en-US'; config['wu_api'] = '086ece2ed954b330'; config['wu_city'] = 'Skanderborg'; config['wu_name'] = 'Skanderborg'; config['wu_country'] = 'DK'; config['idx_moonpicture'] = ''; config['switch_horizon'] = ''; config['host_nzbget'] = ''; config['spot_clientid'] = ''; config['sonarr_url'] = ''; config['sonarr_apikey'] = ''; config['sonarr_maxitems'] = ''; config['garbage_company'] = ''; config['garbage_icalurl'] = ''; config['google_api_key'] = ''; config['garbage_calendar_id'] = ''; config['garbage_zipcode'] = ''; config['garbage_street'] = ''; config['garbage_housenumber'] = ''; config['garbage_housenumberadd'] = ''; config['garbage_maxitems'] = ''; config['garbage_width'] = ''; config['loginEnabled'] = '0'; config['no_rgb'] = '0'; config['auto_positioning'] = 0; config['use_favorites'] = 1; config['disable_googleanalytics'] = '0'; config['last_update'] = '0'; config['hide_topbar'] = '0'; config['edit_mode'] = 0; config['hide_seconds'] = '1'; config['hide_seconds_stationclock'] = '0'; config['use_fahrenheit'] = '0'; config['use_beaufort'] = '0'; config['translate_windspeed'] = 1; config['static_weathericons'] = '0'; config['hide_mediaplayer'] = '0'; config['garbage_hideicon'] = '0'; config['garbage_icon_use_colors'] = 1; config['garbage_use_colors'] = '0'; config['garbage_use_names'] = '0'; config['garbage_use_cors_prefix'] = 1; config['static_weathericons'] = 1;

var buttons = {} buttons.dmi = {width:12, isimage:true, image: 'http://servlet.dmi.dk/byvejr/servlet/byvejr_dag1?by=8362&mode=long', url: 'http://www.dmi.dk/vejr/til-lands/byvejr/by/vis/DK/8362/H%C3%B8rning,%20Danmark/'} buttons.p1 = {width:4, isimage:true, image: '', url: ''}

var blocks = {}

blocks['blocktitle_1'] = {} blocks['blocktitle_1']['type'] = 'blocktitle'; blocks['blocktitle_1']['title'] = 'Alrum';

blocks['blocktitle_2'] = {} blocks['blocktitle_2']['type'] = 'blocktitle'; blocks['blocktitle_2']['title'] = 'Vejr';

blocks['blocktitle_3'] = {} blocks['blocktitle_3']['type'] = 'blocktitle'; blocks['blocktitle_3']['title'] = 'Radio';

blocks['blocktitle_4'] = {} blocks['blocktitle_4']['type'] = 'blocktitle'; blocks['blocktitle_4']['title'] = 'Anlæg';

blocks[148] = {} blocks[148]['image'] = 'alarm.png';

blocks[96] = {} blocks[96]['icon'] = 'fa-spinner'; blocks[96]['title'] = 'Spise'; blocks[96]['hide_data'] = true;

blocks['s10'] = {} blocks['s10']['icon'] = 'fa-spinner'; blocks['s10']['title'] = 'Sluk'; blocks['s10']['hide_data'] = true;

blocks[456] = {} blocks[456]['icon'] = 'fa-spinner'; blocks[456]['title'] = 'Hygge'; blocks[456]['hide_data'] = true;

blocks[455] = {} blocks[455]['icon'] = 'fa-spinner'; blocks[455]['title'] = 'Vågn op'; blocks[455]['hide_data'] = true;

blocks[495] = {} blocks[495]['image'] = 'radio_on.png'; blocks[495]['title'] = 'Station'; blocks[495]['width'] = 12;

blocks[496] = {} blocks[496]['icon'] = 'fa-volume-up'; blocks[496]['title'] = 'Lydstyrke'; blocks[496]['width'] = 6;

blocks[504] = {} blocks[504]['image'] = 'radiooff.png'; blocks[504]['title'] = 'Sluk'; blocks[504]['width'] = 2; blocks[504]['hide_data'] = true;

blocks[505] = {} blocks[505]['image'] = 'DRP1.png'; blocks[505]['title'] = 'P1'; blocks[505]['width'] = 2; blocks[505]['hide_data'] = true;

blocks[506] = {} blocks[506]['image'] = 'DRP2.png'; blocks[506]['title'] = 'P2'; blocks[506]['width'] = 2; blocks[506]['hide_data'] = true;

blocks[507] = {} blocks[507]['image'] = 'DRP3.png'; blocks[507]['title'] = 'P3'; blocks[507]['width'] = 2; blocks[507]['hide_data'] = true;

blocks[508] = {} blocks[508]['image'] = 'DRP4.png'; blocks[508]['title'] = 'P4'; blocks[508]['width'] = 2; blocks[508]['hide_data'] = true;

blocks[509] = {} blocks[509]['image'] = 'DRP8.png'; blocks[509]['title'] = 'P8'; blocks[509]['width'] = 2; blocks[509]['hide_data'] = true;

blocks[510] = {} blocks[510]['image'] = 'Radio24syv.png'; blocks[510]['title'] = '24|7'; blocks[510]['width'] = 2; blocks[510]['hide_data'] = true;

blocks[511] = {} blocks[511]['image'] = 'nova.png'; blocks[511]['title'] = 'Nova'; blocks[511]['width'] = 2; blocks[511]['hide_data'] = true;

blocks[512] = {} blocks[512]['image'] = 'radio100.png'; blocks[512]['title'] = '100'; blocks[512]['width'] = 2; blocks[512]['hide_data'] = true;

blocks[520] = {} blocks[520]['icon'] = 'fa-volume-up'; blocks[520]['title'] = 'Op'; blocks[520]['width'] = 2; blocks[520]['hide_data'] = true;

blocks[521] = {} blocks[521]['icon'] = 'fa-volume-down'; blocks[521]['title'] = 'Ned'; blocks[521]['width'] = 2; blocks[521]['hide_data'] = true;

blocks[516] = {} blocks[516]['image'] = 'anlaeg.png'; blocks[516]['title'] = 'On/off'; blocks[516]['width'] = 2; blocks[516]['hide_data'] = true;

blocks[519] = {} blocks[519]['image'] = 'airplay.png'; blocks[519]['title'] = 'Radio'; blocks[519]['width'] = 2; blocks[519]['hide_data'] = true;

blocks[518] = {} blocks[518]['image'] = 'lp.png'; blocks[518]['title'] = 'LP'; blocks[518]['width'] = 2; blocks[518]['hide_data'] = true;

blocks[517] = {} blocks[517]['image'] = 'cd.png'; blocks[517]['title'] = 'CD'; blocks[517]['width'] = 2; blocks[517]['hide_data'] = true;

blocks['s9'] = {} blocks['s9']['width'] = 12;

blocks[148] = {} blocks[148]['width'] = 12;

blocks[6] = {} blocks[6]['title'] = 'Alrum';

blocks[10] = {} blocks[10]['title'] = 'Ude';

var calendars = {} calendars.alberg = { maxitems: 5, icalurl: 'https://calendar.google.com/calendar?cid=ZGF2aWRAYWxiZXJnLmRr' }

var columns = {} columns[1] = {} columns[1]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_4',516,520,521,519,518,517,'blocktitle_3',505,506,507,508,509,510,511,512,504,'blocktitle_1',96,456,455,'s10',6]; columns[1]['width'] = 5; columns[2] = {} columns[2]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_2','weather',10,8,buttons.dmi] columns[2]['width'] = 5; columns[3] = {} columns[3]['blocks'] = ['clock','sunrise','s9',148,buttons.p1] columns[3]['width'] = 2;

bsmeding commented 6 years ago

I recommend to remove your personal stuff out of the config. The url to icloud calendar is visible for everyone. Also recommend to change your shared calendar url (disable and reenable) everyone in the mailing list can access your calendar now

lokonli commented 6 years ago

Can you try with the latest beta? #320 might have fixed this.

radq85 commented 5 years ago

Did you manage to resolve that issue?

I have a blinds control switch which when operating from Dashticz takes between 4-8 seconds to change status on Domoticz. At the same time when I change its state under Domoticz the changes are shown almost immediately under Dashticz.

I am using Dashticz version 3.0.6 and I have my domoticz refresh rate set to 1 second config['domoticz_refresh'] = '1';