Closed DewGew closed 5 years ago
I made an upgrade on the icons to fontawesome 5.0.13. Only thing is that I need to change all my icons in CONFIG.js to fas fa-icon or far fa icon depending on what icon I need.
Test my upgrade here: I might have missed somthing :)
I've tested it. After renaming the icons in CONFIG.js I see them, but they are very small. Previously they were enlarged for big screen sizes.
The style modifiers for .far in creative.css are missing. (.fa still is in)
Oh yes, I forgot the css files....
I updated the CSS file..
Will this be merged into the beta of Dashticz?
I updated to fontawsome v5.0.13. But I I had to change the icon handling in most files. I think dashticz look better with new fontawsome. I suggest to update fontawsome.... Its need to change the icon names from fa-icon to fas fa-icon or far fa-icon (depending what icon you want) in CONFIG.js