Closed KentuckyMC closed 5 years ago
Can you send me a valid zipcode, streetname and housenumber, which can be used with I'll test it on my configuration.
Is rova collecting garbage in your area? Is rova working?
There is a demo with zipcode: 3825AL and housenumber 41. It is the "Lindeboomseweg". If you fill it in at it works ;)
Is rova collecting garbage in your area? Is rova working?
Rova isn't working at our place. The mijnafvalwijzer was always working, but since the removal of it's not. My normal google calendar is working with my own webserver and the call seems to be fine for the afvalwijzer as well, but nothing happens.
The URL which is being called (with the demo address) is:
This doesn't return any valid garbage pickup data anymore.
The given address is in Amersfoort. According to the garbage is collected by Rova. Rova doesn't work for the demo address, but that might be because it's not a domestic but an industrial area. For a random house from Funda (3826 CD, nr. 17) Rova is working. However, doesn't recognize this address.
If you can give me an example for (zipcode+housenumber) that returns valid data I can further analyze it.
I've found one:
I'll check ...
With this address (3842CR, 1) Dashticz and mijnafvalwijzer are working for me...
Can you check this address with your system?
With this address (3842CR, 1) Dashticz and mijnafvalwijzer are working for me...
Can you check this address with your system?
I will check this address tomorrow. I'm not able to do this this evening. Thanks for diving into this.
Sorry for the late reply. I got the same issue when using my own address, the widget stays on "loading". I got the same output:[{"date":"2019-01-02","title":"grofvuil"},{"date":"2019-01-02","title":"kca"},{"date":"2019-01-04","title":"gft"},{"date":"2019-01-10","title":"kerstbomen"},{"date":"2019-01-11","title":"restafval"},{"date":"2019-01-16","title":"grofvuil"},{"date":"2019-01-18","title":"gft"},{"date":"2019-01-25","title":"restafval"},{"date":"2019-01-28","title":"papier"},{"date":"2019-01-30","title":"grofvuil"},{"date":"2019-02-01","title":"gft"},{"date":"2019-02-04","title":"textiel"},{"date":"2019-02-06","title":"kca"},{"date":"2019-02-08","title":"restafval"},{"date":"2019-02-13","title":"grofvuil"},{"date":"2019-02-15","title":"gft"},{"date":"2019-02-22","title":"restafval"},{"date":"2019-02-25","title":"papier"},{"date":"2019-02-27","title":"grofvuil"}
With my system it works as it should, including your config and the zipcode/housenumber as provided above.
Do you see any other error in the Chrome developers console? or unexpected warnings?
No nothing.. seems that everything works fine. I'm also getting some output, maybe the url before that output is the issue? That the widget expects that that URL isn't there? I will try some more debugging tonight.
I checked this too, tested with zipcode 3825AL and works as expected.
Hi all,
I've some troubles to get the garbage calendar working. In some versions before, when all the calls were going to the domain, everything works fine. Now I've setup my own server and got the Google calendar already working again. The garbage collection isn't working yet. When I debug the url that fires (from the garbage.js) I get something like this (without real data):
In the result, I get the data of my garbage calendar, but that's it. The code won't go inside the result data of the getJSON. The result of the call is:[{"date":"2019-01-24","title":"gft"},{"date":"2019-01-31","title":"restafval"},{"date":"2019-02-07","title":"gft"} etc.
My config looks like:
config['garbage_company'] = 'mijnafvalwijzer'; config['garbage_icalurl'] = ''; config['garbage_zipcode'] = '1234AA'; config['garbage_street'] = 'streetname'; config['garbage_housenumber'] = '1'; config['garbage_housenumberadd'] = ''; config['garbage_maxitems'] = '12'; config['garbage_width'] = '12'; config['garbage_hideicon'] = 0; config['garbage_use_names'] = true; config['garbage_use_colors'] = true; config['garbage_icon_use_colors'] = true; config['garbage_use_cors_prefix'] = true; config['garbage'] = { gft: {kliko: 'green', code: 'lightgreen', name: 'GFT', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_green.png'}, pmd: {kliko: 'orange', code: 'orange', name: 'PMD', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_orange.png'}, rest: {kliko: 'white', code: 'white', name: 'Restafval', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_grey.png'}, kca: {kliko: 'red', code: '#b21807', name: 'Chemisch afval', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_red.png'}, brown: {kliko: 'brown', code: '#7c3607', name: 'Bruin', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_brown.png'}, black: {kliko: 'black', code: '#000000', name: 'Zwart', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_black.png'}, milieu: {kliko: 'yellow', code: '#f9e231', name: 'Geel', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_yellow.png'}, kerstboom: {kliko: 'green', code: '#375b23', name: 'Kerstboom', icon: 'img/garbage/tree.png'}, };