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Feature request: Writing docs in the codebase #459

Closed aalwash closed 3 years ago

aalwash commented 5 years ago


Wouldn't it be an idea to write the documentation in the codebase? So let's say, we make a docs/ directory, there we can write the Markdown/RST files with all the features/configuration options?

The reason is simple, when someone writes a feature request, he/she can add a new file or modify a previous MD/RST file with the new config options

I noticed that the WIKI is already out-dated and missing a lot of config options

The nice part of adding docs in the Git, we can use a tool like: readthedocs.io See for example: https://bootstrap-datepicker.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

Notice the /latest/, there you can choose any tag/branch And the docs will change to that branch/tag

What do you think? @robgeerts

lokonli commented 5 years ago

Indeed, we should improve the documentation. Last days I experimented a bit with the github wiki, but I think I prefer your proposal. Can you create a first setup?

robgeerts commented 5 years ago

@aalwash @lokonli I had github wiki so prefer your setup too :)

aalwash commented 5 years ago

Here is a small start/example: https://aalwash-dashticzv2.readthedocs.io/en/docs-example/index.html

lokonli commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the example. I've extended it (structure only at the moment) and created a PR for it from my repository. See #467.

The documentation now is generated from my repository, see https://dashticz-v2.readthedocs.io, but it should connect to github.com/Dashticz/dashticz_v2.

@robgeerts can you help with the following: Create an account on readthedocs,org, preferably via your github name (robgeerts). Then add the webhook to readthedocs via: https://github.com/Dashticz/dashticz_v2/settings/hooks

I'll send you the payload url by PM

aalwash commented 5 years ago

Nice first version, let's push this so we can start filling up the docs and all missing features

And of course changing the Contribution guidelines to explain what to do if someone builds a new feature and where to modify the docs

aalwash commented 5 years ago

@lokonli so if I understand correctly, this has been moved to https://github.com/dashticzv3/dashticz_v3 ?

Because I'm not seeing @robgeerts doing any PR anymore?

It's fine with me, but shouldn't it be communicated that V3 is the next release (beta atm), but all issues/PR's should be done there?

Also, if DashticzV3 is the main focus, maybe start implementing stuff beter. Let's start with using tags in the repository ;), I already love the Changelog you added (https://dashticz-v3.readthedocs.io/en/beta/releasenotes.html)

Just an extra tag to 'freeze' the code, in case someone wants to fully revert to a specific version

aalwash commented 3 years ago

@lokonli I think we can close this issue? The request has been fulfilled and the docs are part of the code now

PS: The new repository is now https://github.com/Dashticz/dashticz There you can find the newest and most maintained version of Dashticz