Dashticz / dashticz_v2

Alternative dashboard for Domoticz
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Dashticz.nl gone? #471

Open Tankyspanky opened 5 years ago

Tankyspanky commented 5 years ago


Im trying to get the calendar & garbage to work but it seems that they need Dashticz.nl to work ? The site is offline, and also i cant use the forum for solutions of Domoticz because thats offline too

It starts to look like its a dying project? Yes im a noob in dashticz and domoticz and scripts / js but still i got a nice thing going on screen atm but want to integrade the calendar too ps living in belgium, so i hope it will all work

lokonli commented 5 years ago

The Dashticz.nl server doesn't exist anymore. The good news is: all functionality has been merge into you local Dashticz system. You must use the beta branch of Dashticz, and you must use a web server with PHP support enabled,like Apache. The Domoticz web server doesn't support PHP.

The installation instructions can be found on: https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Dashticz_V2_-_Installation

Tips on how to use the calendar-block: https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Dashticz_V2_-_Custom_Applications#Module_-_Calendar

Garbage: https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Dashticz_V2_-_Custom_Applications#Module_-_Garbage_Collector

The documentation is slightly outdate, and is currently being rewrited. For an updated description of the garbage module, see: https://dashticz-v2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/blocks/specials/garbage.html