Dashticz / dashticz_v2

Alternative dashboard for Domoticz
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Add graph bar option #480

Closed lokonli closed 5 years ago

lokonli commented 5 years ago

Adds the possibility to show a bar graph instead of a line graph.

Usage: Add the key 'type' with value 'bar' to a graph-block definition. Example: blocks['graph_56'] = { graph: 'bar' }

HansieNL commented 5 years ago

It would be great to have the pointFillColors and pointSize for the linegraph as an option (settings['pointFillColors'] and settings['pointSize']). I use pointSize 0 to get only a line without points and pointFillColors to show a filled point if hovering over the line.

lokonli commented 5 years ago

I've added them as a parameter for the graph block:

blocks['graph_56'] = { // graph: 'bar', graphTypes: ['te'], width: 12, pointSize: 0, lineColors: ['#0b62a4'], pointFillColors: ['#88ff22'] }