Dashticz / dashticz_v2

Alternative dashboard for Domoticz
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No data form Wunderground #486

Open elpaul opened 4 years ago

elpaul commented 4 years ago

Hi all! Dashticz is great job! My problem is the lack of data from WU. I have a private PWS weather station and I have a current API key. The ID of my station is: IGODW3 In domoticz everything works, but when I enter my data in Dashticz I don't get any data. Entering the station ID or city name does not help (in Domoticz works with station ID)


I check the WU account and there are no queries from Dashticz.

Can anyone help me fix this problem?

dimov-cz commented 4 years ago

seems API for PWS is different https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KGb8bTVYRsNgljnNH67AMhckY8AQT2FVwZ9urj8SWBs/edit#