Data-Liberation-Front /

Check that your CSV files are valid
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When download the "Standardised CSV"; give option to automatically fix encoding to UTF-8 #267

Open leowmjw opened 8 years ago

leowmjw commented 8 years ago

Have reviewed #182; would like to request the ability to know where and why the validation fails; even when there is no schema provided.

Schema problem: Inconsistent value in column 13

The data in column 13 is inconsistent with others values in the same column.

Schema problem: Inconsistent value in column 14

The data in column 14 is inconsistent with others values in the same column.

Context problem: Incorrect Encoding

Your CSV appears to be encoded in ASCII-8BIT. We recommend you use UTF-8.

Suggestion: 1) Should show which row(s) of data causing the validation failure (and the reason), even when no provided schema 2) When download the "Standardised CSV"; give option to automatically fix encoding to UTF-8

quadrophobiac commented 7 years ago

Hi @leowmjw - appreciate my reply is very cold coffee. I'm working with the ODI to support their Open Source Software and I'm going through the issues on the repositories. I think the issue you've flagged is better broken into two distinct tickets.

Suggestion 1 seems a better fit for the CSVlint library that powers the service, so Ill open an issue against that. I think we can make suggestion 2 the body of this issue

quadrophobiac commented 7 years ago

This issue was moved to theodi/csvlint.rb#205