Data-Oriented-House / PortableBuildTools

Portable VS Build Tools installer
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winapifamily.h and other headers are missing in the latest SDK (26100) #15

Closed harshn05 closed 3 months ago

harshn05 commented 3 months ago

Using PortableBuildTools (Version:2)

"winapifamily.h" and other headers not found in the expected location: $BuildTools$\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.26100.0\shared

MSVC Version: (Latest as of today) SDK Version: 26100 Target and Host Arch: X64

In fact in an older installation (Version: 10.0.22621.0), there is a huge list of header files (Listed Below):

afunix.h          dinputd.h         evntrace.h             ipifcons.h        netevent.h     ntstatus.h         security.h                usbioctl.h
apdevpkey.h       diskguid.h        exposeenums2managed.h  ipmib.h           netioapi.h     ntverp.h           sensorsdef.h              usbiodef.h
apiset.h          dls1.h            fltUserStructures.h    Iprtrmib.h        netiodef.h     ntverp.ver         sensorsstructures.h       usbprint.h
apisetcconv.h     dls2.h            fttypes.h              ipsectypes.h      nettypes.h     nvme.h             sensorsutils.h            usbscan.h
atsmedia.h        dmdls.h           fwpmtypes.h            ipsectypes.idl    nfcdtadev.h    packoff.h          ShellHandwriting.h        usbspec.h
basetsd.h         dmerror.h         fwpmtypes.idl          ipv6prefast.h     nfcradiodev.h  packon.h           ShellHandwriting.idl      uuids.h
basetyps.h        dmusbuff.h        fwpstypes.h            iscsierr.h        nfcsedev.h     pciprop.h          spb.h                     vhf.h
batclass.h        dontuse.h         fwpstypes.idl          IssPer16.h        nfpdev.h       poclass.h          specstrings.h             vmgenerationcounter.h
bcrypt.h          dpfilter.h        fwptypes.h             kernelspecs.h     nldef.h        poppack.h          specstrings_strict.h      warning.h
bdamedia.h        driverspecs.h     fwptypes.idl           ks.h              no_sal2.h      pshpack1.h         specstrings_undef.h       wdmguid.h
bdatypes.h        drivinit.h        fwpvi.h        ntdd1394.h     pshpack2.h         srb.h                     winapifamily.h
bthdef.h          dxgi.h            GenericUsbFnIoctl.h    ksguid.h          ntddbeep.h     pshpack4.h         sspi.h                    winbio_err.h
bthioctl.h        dxgi.idl          gnssdriver.h           ksmedia.h         ntddcdrm.h     pshpack8.h         stralign.h                winbio_ioctl.h
bthsdpdef.h       dxgi1_2.h         gpio.h                 ksproxy.h         ntddcdvd.h     pshpck16.h         strsafe.h                 winbio_types.h
bugcodes.h        dxgi1_2.idl       guiddef.h              ksuuids.h         ntddchgr.h     pwm.h              suppress.h                windef.h
cderr.h           dxgi1_3.h         hbaapi.h               ktmtypes.h        ntdddisk.h     qos.h              tbs.h                     windot11.h
cfg.h             dxgi1_3.idl       hidclass.h          ntddkbd.h      qosobjs.h          tbt3ioctls.h              windowsx.h
clfs.h            dxgi1_4.h         hidpi.h        ntddmmc.h      qossp.h            tcpestats.h               winerror.h
clfslsn.h         dxgi1_4.idl       hidsdi.h               lamp.h            ntddmodm.h     reshub.h           tcpmib.h                  winpackagefamily.h
common.ver        dxgi1_5.h         hidusage.h             lmcons.h          ntddmou.h      rpc.h              tdi.h                     winsmcrd.h
concurrencysal.h  dxgi1_5.idl       hvsocket.h             lmerr.h           ntddndis.h     rpcasync.h         tdiinfo.h                 winusbio.h
d3d9.h            dxgi1_6.h         hwn.h              ntddpar.h      rpcdce.h           TraceLoggingActivity.h    wlantypes.h
d3d9caps.h        dxgi1_6.idl       ifdef.h                Math3DHelper.h    ntddscm.h      rpcdcep.h          TraceLoggingProvider.h    wmistr.h
d3d9types.h       dxgicommon.h      ifmib.h                minwindef.h       ntddscsi.h     rpcndr.h           traffic.h                 wnnc.h
d3dkmdt.h         dxgicommon.idl    iketypes.h             mmreg.h           ntddser.h      rpcnterr.h         transportsettingcommon.h  ws2def.h
d3dkmthk.h        dxgiformat.h      iketypes.idl           mprapidef.h       ntddstor.h     rpcsal.h           tvout.h                   ws2ipdef.h
d3dukmdt.h        dxgiformat.idl    in6addr.h              msapofxproxy.h    ntddtape.h     sal.h              udpmib.h                  wtypes.h
dciddi.h          dxgitype.h        inaddr.h               mstcpip.h         ntddtdi.h      scsi.h             unexposeenums2managed.h   WTypes.Idl
dcomptypes.h      dxgitype.idl      infstr.h               mswsockdef.h      ntddvdeo.h     scsiscan.h         usb.h                     WTypesbase.h
devguid.h         ehstorbandmgmt.h  initguid.h             ndis              ntddvol.h      sddl.h             usb100.h                  WTypesbase.Idl
devioctl.h        ehstorioctl.h     intsafe.h              ndisguid.h        ntdef.h        sdkddkver.h        usb200.h
devpkey.h         emi.h             ioevent.h              ndkinfo.h         ntdskreg.h     sdv_driverspecs.h  usbdi.h
devpropdef.h      evntprov.h        ip2string.h            netcx             ntiologc.h     secext.h           usbfnbase.h

However in the latest installation (SDK Version: 26100) the list of available headers is very small (shown below): atsmedia.h common.ver drivinit.h IssPer16.h ntverp.h ntverp.ver scsiscan.h

Why there is such a huge difference. This is leading to compilation failures for my standard C++ projects.

Is there some problem with the installation script?

munohikari commented 3 months ago

Which Windows version do you have?

harshn05 commented 3 months ago

Windows 11 Currently. (Upgraded Recently from Windows 10).

munohikari commented 3 months ago

Oh, i see, i thought this was a problem with my Windows 7 initially, i guess it's a problem with SDK installation, i'll look into it.

munohikari commented 3 months ago

Please test the latest build:

If all is good, i'll release it soon.

harshn05 commented 3 months ago

Just tested it with a C++ project of mine with complex dependencies (glfw, opengl, imgui etc). Its working now. Thanks a lot.