Closed arnabbandyopadhyay closed 4 years ago
Hi arnabbandyopadhyay,
if you do not specify the initial condition of an observable in the CONDITIONS section in the data or model def file, D2D will interpret the initial condition as a parameter that can be estimated alongside the other parameters of your model. To set it to a fixed value, you may use arSetPars
with the qFit
argument set to zero instead of "modify initial condition" in the pseudocode you provided.
Best, Adrian
Hi D2D team, I want to check the dynamics starting from different initial conditions keeping parameters, observables same. What I want to implement is the following:
arInit arLoadModel(deffile); arLoadData(datafile); arCompileAll;
for i=1:100 modify initial condition arFitLHS arPlot store data end
computation time is very high if I compile inside the for loop. Which variable do I need to modify for changing initial condition, or is there other way to implement this?
Thank you