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BAE1. argmax_theta (y|theta, phi's atomness) industry effect #10

Open hyunjimoon opened 3 months ago

hyunjimoon commented 3 months ago

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Originally posted by **hyunjimoon** February 22, 2024 ## table.ENVIRONMENT1 | **Aspect** | **DIGITAL** | **PHYSICAL** | **BIOTECH** | **SEMICONDUCTOR** | **TRANSPORTATION/MOBILITY** | |---------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | **Development** | Software, apps, and/or online services | Develop and set up products and processes, including sourcing raw materials, developing supply chains, and production lines. | Focused on research & development in labs, clinical trials for drug discovery, genetic engineering. | Design and development of semiconductor devices, prototyping, and engineering for manufacturing. | Design, development, and integration of mobility solutions (vehicles, infrastructure, technology systems). | | **Production** | Upfront cost of development, servers, and other digital infrastructure | Continuous management of manufacturing & supply chains | Small scale for clinical trials, can scale up with contract manufacturing organizations. | High initial setup costs for fabs, ongoing costs for materials, and precision manufacturing processes. | Initial high costs for infrastructure and vehicle production, ongoing maintenance, and operational costs. | | **Cost Structure/ Scalability** | ~Zero marginal costs for more copies; May require increased marketing reach | Unit production costs can be significant and increasing scale may require added capital investment | Lower marginal costs for drug production once approved; scalability dependent on regulatory approval. | Significant investment in fabrication plants; economies of scale important for cost reduction. | High initial investment in infrastructure, vehicles, technology; scalability through network expansion and efficiency improvements. | | **Distribution** | Online via app stores, websites, and/or cloud-based services | Transportation to retailers or directly to consumers; requires logistics, inventory management, returns, etc. | Distribution through healthcare providers, pharmacies; regulatory compliance for market access. | Distribution through technology product manufacturers, direct sales to electronics companies. | Through mobility services (public transport, ridesharing), vehicle sales, and infrastructure deployment. | | **Updates and Improvements:** | Can be continuous, remote, and as visible or invisible as desired without the user even noticing. Allows for rapid iteration based on user feedback and data analytics. | Improvements or modifications require creating a new version of the product and potentially recalling/repairing the old one. | Updates through additional research, new product versions; continuous improvement in treatment efficacy. | Product iterations require new manufacturing cycles; updates often coincide with new product releases. | Continuous service improvement, technology updates, infrastructure upgrades; may involve regulatory approvals. | | **Data Collection and Analytics** | Data collection and analytics can be engineered into the products and infrastructure to a significant degree | Unless the product has a digital/connected component, data collection may be challenging, especially when the product was not sold directly be the manufacturer. | Increasing use of digital health technologies for data collection in clinical trials and patient monitoring. | Embedded sensors and IoT integration enable data collection for some semiconductor products. | Data from mobility services and smart infrastructure for optimization, service improvement, and user experience enhancement. | | **End of Life** | Discontinue support or updates, shut down servers or online services. Data migration and user communication are key considerations. Some labor redeployment. | Discontinue production and factories, and dispose of unsold inventory. Environmental considerations, such as recycling or disposal of the product, are also important. Significant layoffs possible. | Discontinuation of older drugs, biologics; focus shifts to newer treatments. Environmental impact of disposal considered. | End of product lifecycle management, recycling of electronic components; significant environmental considerations. | Decommissioning of vehicles and infrastructure, environmental impact mitigation, recycling, and repurposing efforts. | | **Entry Barriers** | Competitors may be able to enter more easily. Including pirates. | Manufacturing and supply chain capabilities may create higher barriers to entry | High due to regulatory hurdles, IP protections, and the need for specialized knowledge. | Very high due to the cost of fabrication plants, specialized equipment, and technical expertise. | High due to significant capital requirements, regulatory approvals, and need for technological expertise. | | **Cell Theory** | Platforms enabling individual developers to focus on niche digital solutions. | Startups focusing on developing specific hardware technologies. | Individual biotech firms focusing on niche healthcare solutions. | Startups developing specific semiconductor technologies. | Development and integration of technologies for enhancing mobility, including electric vehicles, autonomous systems, and smart infrastructure. Collaborative ventures aiming at creating innovative transportation solutions. | | **Ecosystem** | Digital marketplaces and developer communities supporting collaboration. | Industrial ecosystems involving suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors. | Collaboration with healthcare systems, regulatory bodies, and research. | Interactions with suppliers, manufacturers, and tech companies. | A dynamic ecosystem including transportation providers, technology companies, regulatory bodies, and consumers. Encourages public-private partnerships. | | **Evolution** | Rapid iteration and innovation in software based on user feedback. | Gradual technological advancements through R&D and market feedback. | Innovation in response to healthcare challenges and regulations. | Technological advancements and market adaptation. | Continuous innovation driven by technological advancements, regulatory changes, and user demands. Focus on sustainability, safety, and accessibility. | | **Phylogeny** | Tracing the development and influence of major software and internet technologies. | Tracing the history and evolution of manufacturing processes and materials. | Tracing the development of critical medical technologies. | Evolution of chip manufacturing techniques. | Tracing the evolution of transportation technologies and systems, from early mobility solutions to modern autonomous and electric vehicles. | | **Properties of Life** | Digital products growing through user adoption, evolving with market needs. | Physical products growing through market penetration, evolving with manufacturing innovations. | Growth through research progress, reproduction via spin-offs, response to healthcare trends. | Growth through technological innovation, reproduction through patents, adaptation to tech trends. | Growth through technological adoption and infrastructure development, reproduction through new service models, response to societal mobility needs. |