Data4DM / Tool4Ops4Entrep

retooling myself by building what i need as scholar entrepreneur
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💜pivot game -> biotech educators (beachhead) #18

Open hyunjimoon opened 1 month ago

hyunjimoon commented 1 month ago

low bar: designX (svafa, gal - lowbar as they are strictly in biotech) high bar: christine, i-corps (nsf),

had three meetings with svafa and gal and discussed on using tool to their workshop on fall

JB (May.30) game := goal, win/lose, goal should be unceratin (when starting); alea 4items of game: agon (compare two startups - alternate), alea (), mimicry, linx bayes rule + human vs bayes rule (competitive ai chess) to play against dataset of existing progression (20 years)

goal (safely fly), randomness (weather); successful flight (safety, speed, cost);

startup success failure (land proper or crash) 4 mode of play: fastest

  1. flight simulator
  2. market generator () 3d resource of founder that would be the catalyst (not being a source of energy; augement heat; concentration) recognizing the existence of catalyst () visualization matrix to cube to hypercube (projected 3d) - projection of high to low dim unfair market: first mover in a market (brand, capital) pivot more than others (purely fluid market; competition and market control; not executed) e.g. construction (concrete) - buy innovation and kill (MS); negative evolution (locally failure; )

children vs adult (post adoc rationalization); wooden block (structure) what were doing when you were doing (another story - building castle/bridge/, success is more broadly defined; goal)

deconstructing (stable market - high volatility, resonator, ) execution: goal changes more often intelligence: plastic ego (more flexibility ) Conway’s game of life's_Game_of_Life Game theory

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