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communicate low and high bar concept to six evaluators #21

Open hyunjimoon opened 2 weeks ago

hyunjimoon commented 2 weeks ago

through #2 and #6, i chose evalutors below:

pc be
lowbar Matin, Mathieu JB, Yichen
highbar Vikash Scott

by June, i'll communicate how optimism affects low and high bar, hence experiment choices; detail in lowhighbar.pdf.

${\lambda_1, \lambda_0}$ 'Low Bar' ${1, \Lambda-1}$ 'High Bar' ${\Lambda-1,1}$
Name "Best Foot Forward" "Raising the Bar"
Description Easy to Pass Hard to Pass
Bias No false negatives No false positives
Startup Formation Rate $(\Lambda-1) \mu$ $\mu+(2-\Lambda)(1-\mu)$
Startup Failure Rate $(2-\Lambda)(1-\mu)$ 0
Example Target Lead Users (Moore,$2014)$ Minimum Viable Product (Ries, 2011)

Low-Bar Experiments: Easy to pass but offer strong negative signals if they fail. These are preferred by optimistic entrepreneurs as they have a higher prior belief in the success of their venture.

High-Bar Experiments: Hard to pass but provide strong positive signals if they succeed. These are chosen when the entrepreneur has a higher need to prove the venture's viability convincingly.

PC Team: with suppliers with optimism in technical feasibility of PPL technology (product), i aim to conduct low-bar experiments of finding technology to implement desirability-validated features from BC team.

BE Team: with suppliers with optimism in desirability of Bayesian entrepreneurship (market), i aim to conduct low-bar experiments of finding market to implement feasbility-validated functions from PC team.
