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productizing PC-BE #23

Open hyunjimoon opened 2 weeks ago

hyunjimoon commented 2 weeks ago


Improving Entrepreneurial Decision Making with Bayesian Reasoning and Intelligent Assistance Distribution channel: Salesforce app exchange platform

Pain Point:

Addresses the complex, fast-paced decision-making challenges faced by entrepreneurs in product development, market selection, and operational execution, where traditional models often fall short due to limited information and rapidly changing environments.

Value Proposition:

  1. Provides a decision-making toolbox that complements existing frameworks while improving information processing using Bayesian reasoning.
  2. Offers an iterative approach to experimentation, observation, inference, and decision-making, allowing entrepreneurs to systematically update beliefs and strategies as new information is gathered.
  3. Integrates Large Language Models (LLMs) for data acquisition and cognitive support in carrying out complex decisions.


  1. A probabilistic program that can formalize and automate tasks such as designing business models, valuing equity, tuning parameters, and simulating rare events.
  2. Integration with LLMs to translate English to probabilistic codes, answer user questions, and provide cognitive support.
  3. Optimization and simulation tools to gain insights into dynamic, iterative decision processes.

Key Features:

  1. Marketing Experiments Module: Helps entrepreneurs balance product capabilities with market needs, using metrics like Market Adoption and Revenue Potential.
  2. Sourcing Experiments Module: Assists in supply chain strategy decisions, considering factors like in-house vs. outsourced production and local vs. global manufacturing.
  3. Bayesian updating framework for continuous learning and adaptation.


  1. Corporate Innovation Labs
  2. Business Schools and Universities
  3. Startup founders and entrepreneurial teams
  4. Venture capital firms and angel investors

Use Cases:

  1. Product-market fit experiments for pivoting decisions (e.g., EV startup choosing between different range options and target markets)
  2. Supply chain sourcing decisions (e.g., Tesla Roadster case study on manufacturing strategy)
  3. Continuous adaptation of business models in fast-changing technological and market landscapes
hyunjimoon commented 2 weeks ago

angie's first pitch

BE x PC's value proposition: start with certain assumptions (prior), social product partnership and market, we


charlie's first feedback

  1. if you're going to be have an entrepreneurial business venture, you need a crisp idea. Who's the customer, who's going to pay for this product, what's your thinking there?

based on below (credit: orbit): corporate innovation labs. Especially for their collaboration with startup to hedge risk

# Title/Descriptions Corporate Innovation Labs Business Schools and Universities Startup Founders and Entrepreneurial Teams
1 End User Innovation managers, R&D teams Professors, students, researchers Founders, product managers, startup teams
2 Task Enhance decision-making in innovation projects Teach and research entrepreneurial decision-making Make informed decisions in product development, market selection, and operations
3 Benefit Improved project outcomes, faster innovation cycles Enhanced teaching and research capabilities Better decision-making, increased chances of startup success
4 Urgency of Need High - Constant need for innovation and competitive advantage Medium - Academic cycles, but growing interest in entrepreneurship High - Critical for startup survival and growth
5 Example End Users Google X, IBM Research MIT Sloan, Stanford GSB Early-stage startups, Y Combinator alumni
6 Lead Customers Google X, IBM Research MIT Sloan, Stanford GSB Y Combinator, Techstars
7 Willingness to Change High - Open to new tools and methodologies Medium - Academia can be slow to change, but open to new research tools High - Startups are agile and open to new solutions
8 Frequency of Buying Medium - Purchase tools and software periodically Low - Budget cycles may limit frequent purchases High - Constant need for new tools and solutions
9 Concentration of Buyers Medium - Several large innovation labs Medium - Many universities and business schools High - Numerous startups
10 Other Relevant Market Considerations High growth industry, high R&D budgets High employee turnover, high growth in entrepreneurship programs High growth industry, high failure rate of startups
11 Size of Market (# of end users) 1K's 10K's 100K's
12 Estimated Value of End User ($1, $10, $100, $1K) $1K $100 $1K
13 Competition / Alternatives Traditional decision-making tools, internal R&D tools Traditional academic tools, other research software Traditional decision-making tools, other startup tools
14 Other Components Needed for a Full Solution Integration with existing R&D tools, training and support Integration with academic tools, training and support Integration with existing startup tools, training and support
15 Important Partners Salesforce, R&D tool providers Salesforce, academic tool providers Salesforce, startup tool providers
16 Other Relevant Personal Considerations Alignment with corporate innovation goals, ease of use Alignment with academic goals, ease of use Alignment with startup goals, ease of use

charlie's second feedback

  1. there must be a huge amount of competition in adding AI to CRM products. So we would need a specific angle

ai based query in relational database (tech. being developed in PC lab) would be our specific angle. probabilistic representation can mitigate the variability of LLM replies which is becoming more problematic. Moreover, Matin and Joao (from PC lab) were interested in relational database querying technologies. It's my guess there are existing competitors for probabilistic reasoning for tabular data, but much less in relational data.