Data4DM / Tool4Ops4Entrep

retooling myself by building what i need as scholar entrepreneur
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🟩🔴 get three PC experts who can give feedback until I pass their " technical feasibility test" #6

Closed hyunjimoon closed 2 weeks ago

hyunjimoon commented 1 month ago

great connection among Stan developers

Vikash's lab members Matin Jaao Xuan Goerge Alex Feras (CMU prof)


Andrew Gelman Aki Vehtari (wish to visit Finland next summer in PML group - experience Finland's startup culture

Vikash Mansinghka

hyunjimoon commented 2 weeks ago

With interaction with prob.comp during retreat dinner, it's likely lowbar: Matin, Mathieu highbar: Vikash (potentially Joshua as I'm planning ai accountant as his class project)