Data4Democracy / drug-spending

Project to understand pharmaceutical spending, currently focused on US government programs.
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Join Medicare Part D spending data to ATC Classification System #76

Closed darya-akimova closed 6 years ago

darya-akimova commented 6 years ago



Update 3/1/2018

Matched app. 3k out of 4.5k items in the Medicare Part D dataset (see /drug-spending/R/datawrangling/atc_merge_atc_codes_clean_da and /atc_merge_drug_uses_csv_da for notebook), but putting this issue on hold and switching directions because:


Join drugs in the Medicare Part D spending data to their ATC Classification System categories by join the spending-201x.csv files on to either atc_codes_clean.csv or drug_uses.csv.

What we're looking for

Potential outputs that would help greatly to further the goal of this project:

The potential routes of matching drugs to their ATC classification categories:

atc_codes_clean.csv dataset


drug_uses.csv dataset (which may be the easier of the two)

Two options:

Side note: all of the spending-201x.csv files should have the same drugs in the same format, since they come from a parent wide .xlsx file that had the years data spread across the columns. If the drugs from one of the spending files are matched successfully, then the same steps should successfully join the other files, so no need to try and compare all of the spending files to find differences in drug names.

Ideal file formats for the analysis:

How this will help

We're working towards matching drugs to their therapeutic uses. The USP Classification system, FDA drug approval data, and the ATC Classification system seem to be the best potential grouping categories of drugs from the datasets that have already been collected. The ATC classifications system provides classification seems to be more scientific/medical jargon-leaning, but it can be potentially useful down the line.

Anandkarthick commented 6 years ago

I just completed this task for one dataset.. spending_2011. How can I share the dataset? just wanted to get a comment before doing this for all dataset.

SeniorHealthcareAdvisors commented 5 years ago

When CMS overhauls its Electronic Health Record (EHR) how will it affect supplemental health insurance costs & Medicare Open Enrollment 2019?