Data4Democracy / indivisible

Aggregating call to action sites into a single application.
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Define database schema #9

Closed pghosh closed 7 years ago

pghosh commented 7 years ago

Schema to store the action data should be identified. Update the wiki with the fields

pghosh commented 7 years ago

event structure should have the following

bonfiam commented 7 years ago

Should we include a duration? I was envisioning someone saying, I have 2 hiurs tomorrow, what can I do?

pghosh commented 7 years ago

good point. updated

sgreene commented 7 years ago

I'd like to suggest a few more fields:

And one comment on the existing tags:

pghosh commented 7 years ago

This task is for defining schema, the fields are not finalized. Feel free to add them in the schema. I am adding a wiki page so that we all can add our ideas there

WanderingStar commented 7 years ago

Many Data Science folks are fluent in SQL, which might suggest something like PostgreSQL, rather than Dynamo or Mongo. You can get a hosted RDS Postgres instance in the AWS free tier.

pghosh commented 7 years ago

@WanderingStar while I agree that finding skillset for postgreSQL might be easier, the reason I am in favor of mongo is the super simple schema and index updates. Since this is a evolving website with more features the schema is bound to change. That will be really easy to do with a document store like mongoDB. with a sql store it might not be as much flexible or involve lots of refactoring.

WanderingStar commented 7 years ago

Sounds like solid reasoning. If you create model objects with appropriate persistence methods (e.g. Event has a save(self) method and a @classmethod fetch(...), folks won't even have to think about what the datastore is most of the time and folks who have or want to build Mongo skills can write the necessary queries in those methods.

nix-bohon commented 7 years ago

Please forgive me if this is a completely insane idea, but since the events can be represented as a flat table, why not just store them in tabular format as a bit CSV on Then we could just pull the info into the Angular2 app through the Rest API without the need of a node.js/express/mongo backend.

pghosh commented 7 years ago

Events are fairly flat. But imagine the upcoming usecases on this ,

  1. Create user and track event registration
  2. Recommend better events based on user interest (also store user interest)
  3. Add action details i.e script to call to senators . Since lot of these details does not change we can just save those blobs with event type or something.

While is super awesome for analyzing data the persistent stores provide more flexibility. Also by using a dao like layer we can easily swap out the store anytime we want incase it is an over kill.

nix-bohon commented 7 years ago

Works for me.