Data4Democracy / internal-displacement

Studying news events and internal displacement.
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Modify Location Schema to be able to distinguish between cities and country sub-dvisions #112

Closed simonb83 closed 7 years ago

simonb83 commented 7 years ago

The extracted location could be either a Country, a country sub-division (i.e. province or state) or a City.

We need to modify the schema for Location class in to ensure that we can capture these different options:

CREATE TABLE location ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,    description TEXT,    city TEXT,  
state TEXT,  country CHAR(3) REFERENCES country ON DELETE CASCADE, latlong TEXT );
alexanderrich commented 7 years ago

Hi @simonb83 , I'm new to this project and would like to take a crack at this. Just to make sure I understand what's required, the needed changes are:

WanderingStar commented 7 years ago

@alexanderrich, yes, that's right!

frenski commented 7 years ago

Btw, as we are currently changing the schema, why don't we split the latlong field it into two different ones (lat and lon) and keep them as double? It would be both and faster end easier for the frontend?

lematt1991 commented 7 years ago

Since you guys are already using Postgres, I might suggest looking at the PostGIS extension [1]. This adds native spatial types (Point, Polygon, Line, etc.). You could store the lat/lon as a Point which will not only allow you to easily extract the numerical lat/lon values, but also perform spatial queries on the table, such as finding all points within a polygon, nearest points, etc.

WanderingStar commented 7 years ago

Will that field be used? Where will the data come from? In what format? I punted on making a decision about how to store that... latlong = Column(String) # Not tackling PostGIS right now ...because I thought it was unlikely to be used in the short run, and didn't want to commit to a format (decimal degrees? degrees decimal minutes? DMS?) or get PostGIS set up on the Amazon RDS. But if it seems like it will be useful for the first version of the site and someone is interested in submitting a pull request, by all means!

simonb83 commented 7 years ago

I agree that right now the lat-lon fields are unlikely to be used in v1 so it is more likely to be a future enhancement at some point down the line. Don't know if that helps make the decision...