Data4Democracy / internal-displacement

Studying news events and internal displacement.
43 stars 27 forks source link

remove internal-displacement-web submodule and copy its contents into… #119

Closed WanderingStar closed 7 years ago

WanderingStar commented 7 years ago

… this repo

This is spitting out an error when I docker-compose up, but the node service seems responsive on port 3000:

nodejs_1   |
Failed to compile.
nodejs_1   |
nodejs_1   | Error in ./src/index.js
nodejs_1   | Syntax error: Unexpected token (14:2)
nodejs_1   |
nodejs_1   |   12 |
nodejs_1   |   13 | render(
nodejs_1   | > 14 |   <Provider store={store}>
nodejs_1   |      |   ^
nodejs_1   |   15 |     <Router history={history} routes={routes} />
nodejs_1   |   16 |   </Provider>,
nodejs_1   |   17 |   document.getElementById('app')
nodejs_1   |
nodejs_1   |  @ multi main
nodejs_1   |
wwymak commented 7 years ago

the full docker build works fine for me-- should be good to go once you've made the below addition to the package.json file in the node container @WanderingStar