Data4Democracy / usa-dashboard

A dashboard of key metrics for the USA
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Infrastructure Metrics? #38

Open Webhobo opened 7 years ago

Webhobo commented 7 years ago

Would be interesting to see metrics about infrastructure. I'm leaving this intentionally broad so we can elaborate on it :)

seanjtaylor commented 7 years ago

Great idea. I wonder if there's open data on new gov't construction projects, roads, and/or bridges.

How might we measure that our infrastructure is healthy/safe? Accidents or other sorts of safety data?

Nix-Bohon commented 7 years ago

The American association of civil engineers does an infrastructure report card. This has state level breakouts of statistics on roads ways, dams, bridges, ports, air fields, etc. They've got links to their sources and everything. I think that's probably a good place to start looking for what's available.