Data4Democracy / usa-dashboard

A dashboard of key metrics for the USA
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Fixed errors related to data source #46

Closed bobpore closed 7 years ago

bobpore commented 7 years ago
  1. The original data source had identical data for 2009 and 2012. This lead to doubling counts for 2012 and left us missing most 2009 data. This has been fixed by dropping duplicate rows before performing counts. I contacted the source data manager to inform them of the error and see if we could get more 2009 data.

  2. ehbick01 called out in commit #42 that Louisville merged with Jefferson county in 2003. The source data included a field for city that allowed me to filter all non-Louisville data points. I believe that addresses that issue.

  3. Fixed an issue with pulling wrong field for crime dates. Previous, report date was being used instead of the actual incident date.