Data4Democracy / usa-dashboard

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Salt Lake City Crime Data #64

Open celestedrobinson opened 7 years ago

celestedrobinson commented 7 years ago provides data for the state, and there are some datasets floating around there for Salt Lake City, but they are not updated regularly. I would be happy to help find and get current data.

Mistygallegos84124 commented 2 years ago

My name is Misty Gallegos and I live in Utah. I had my identity stolen many months ago and have been fighting to atleast try to gain something of my identity back. A few months back I was communicating with Google to assist me with my stolen identity, As the perpitrator stole my gmail right out from underneath my nose. ( In loosing this email, I lost every kind of identifying information that an individual and/or entity could possibly know, on top of 700+ pictures. During this time I had actually saught the help of github, giving much information that I had gathered on this hacker that I now believe to be quite a group of hackers. I was granted my own domain through github, but when i was sent a code through my mail from google to verify my identity, my current gmail at that time had already been takin over and probably even used by the perpetrator as I. I am alittle concerned of this reregister, as I am still hacked and not sure that this is even real. I was even told through Github that I was an original contributor to a domain that was made to help with this problem I am still enduring.I have so much more information to help to stop these perpetrators and it seems as though google has just recently made some changes that I believe my information was put into consideration towards the changes. I need help, and I have no idea whom to trust at this point. Thanks. I-L-l GUNDEEP