Data4Democracy / usa-dashboard

A dashboard of key metrics for the USA
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Unemployment rate and Google search data updates #67

Closed DavidNKraemer closed 7 years ago

DavidNKraemer commented 7 years ago

Using the bls and pytrends packages, we now can make requests to the Bureau of Labor Statistics web API and Google search trends API and store the data in CSVs.

The script for collecting BLS data,, has the following usage:

$ python [-h] [--key KEY] [--start START] [--end END]  [series ...]

The national unemployment rate series ID is LNS14000000.

The script for collecting Google search trends data, has the following usage:

$ python [-h] [--start START] [--end END] user pswd terms [terms ...]

This brings the repo up to speed with the data acquisition for the project. The actual nowcast modeling is the main piece that remains to be implemented.