DataAction / AdoNetCore.AseClient

AdoNetCore.AseClient - a .NET Core DB Provider for SAP ASE
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AseConnection.InfoMessage is currently never triggered #78

Closed chgeuer closed 5 years ago

chgeuer commented 6 years ago

When I issue the following command to an ASE


it returns a SQL script which I could use to restore a database to a particular point in time. The problem is that the response is not a result set or so, but just informational messages.

I subscribed to AseConnection.InfoMessage, but the private AseConnection.NotifyInfoMessage() method is never triggered... The event InfoMessageInternal has a TODO flag :-).

What would be the best / desired way to implement that functionality? InternalConnection.InternalExecuteAsync() looks like a place where the command.Connection could be passed down to the MessageTokenHandler to fire this event.

senseibaka commented 6 years ago

TODO flag


Yeah you're right, MessageTokenHandler should accept an AseConnection (optional constructor argument?) and then call NotifyInfoMessage. NotifyInfoMessage will need to be changed from private to internal.

Also, have a look at what the reference driver does -- for instance:

chgeuer commented 6 years ago

Just for understanding: What is "the reference driver"? The Sybase.AdoNet4.AseClient NuGet package?

senseibaka commented 6 years ago

Yep, the SAP/Sybase driver. I call it the "reference" driver because I use its exposed public interfaces (and behaviour inferred from tests) as a reference for writing this driver.

chgeuer commented 6 years ago

Right. I just wanted to make sure you don't mean some other DLL burried deep down in the or so :-)

chgeuer commented 6 years ago

I believe the reference driver (<package id="Sybase.AdoNet4.AseClient" version="1.0.0" targetFramework="net461" />) does not behave correctly:

The SQL statement I run is this:


Doing so on the isql command line give me this:

2> go
LOAD DATABASE AZU FROM '/tmp/ase-backup-20180816-082639-AZU-full-1-1.cdmp.pipe'
LOAD TRAN AZU FROM '/tmp/ase-backup-20180816-082727-AZU-tran-1-1.cdmp.pipe'
LOAD TRAN AZU FROM '/tmp/ase-backup-20180816-082734-AZU-tran-1-1.cdmp.pipe'
LOAD TRAN AZU FROM '/tmp/ase-backup-20180816-210028-AZU-tran-1-1.cdmp.pipe'
   WITH UNTIL_TIME = 'Aug 16 2018  5:40:23:310PM'

Running the same via the reference driver

namespace FullDotNetApp
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using Sybase.Data.AseClient; // reference driver

    class Program
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            var server_address = "ase1";
            var server_port = 5000;
            var database = "AZU";
            var user = "sapsa";
            var password = "Test123.-";

            var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
            using (var connection = new AseConnection(connectionString: $"Data Source={server_address};Server Port={server_port};Database={database};UserID={user};Password={password}"))
                await connection.OpenAsync(cts.Token);
                var result = new List<string>();
                void captureResult(object sender, AseInfoMessageEventArgs aseInfoMessageEventArgs)

                connection.InfoMessage += captureResult;
                using (var command = connection.CreateCommand())
                    command.CommandText = "LOAD DATABASE AZU WITH LISTONLY=LOAD_SQL,UNTIL_TIME='2018-08-16T17:40:23:310'";
                    await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(cts.Token);
                connection.InfoMessage -= captureResult;

                foreach (var line in result)
                    await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync(line);

only gives this:

LOAD DATABASE AZU FROM '/tmp/ase-backup-20180816-082639-AZU-full-1-1.cdmp.pipe'\n
senseibaka commented 6 years ago

Yeah, it looks like it could be misbehaving. Do any of the other connection's events emit the other messages?

senseibaka commented 6 years ago

Or, does the AseInfoMessageEventArgs.Errors collection have the rest of the info messages, perhaps?

chgeuer commented 6 years ago

I need to ask an additional question re: the term "reference driver": Looking at the package info on Nuget, the package comes from which seems equivalent to @mholec on [github](]. The Sybase.AdoNet4.AseClient package info page lists SAP as author, but to me it seems like an SAP-external project.

senseibaka commented 6 years ago

Yes, as far as I can tell it's just a repackaging of the driver for easy access on nuget.

chgeuer commented 6 years ago

Ah, OK, so you say the underlying binary is actually from SAP, it's just that the NuGet package came via community... Got it.

I funneled back feedback to SAP that the driver behaves in a way that it only returns the first line...

senseibaka commented 6 years ago

Yep. FYI the binary's file version is, which is admittedly a little old. So there's a chance your issue's already fixed in a newer version.

It might be a good idea to ask mholec to update the nuget package to a newer version!

mholec commented 6 years ago

Hi Guys, just send me link to current version of the driver and I'll update NuGet package immediately.

senseibaka commented 6 years ago

Hi @mholec I'm struggling to find a direct link.

Apparently it comes packaged with SDK for Adaptive Server Enterprise, as well as the database server itself...

bbarry commented 6 years ago

Our reference driver places all messages inside the AseInfoMessageEventArgs.Errors property... adapted from my production logging code:

void captureResult(object sender, AseInfoMessageEventArgs aseInfoMessageEventArgs) {
    foreach (AseError error in aseInfoMessageEventArgs.Errors) {
        result.Add("\nMessage: " + error.Message +
                   "\nErr Number: " + error.MessageNumber +
                   "\nSQLState: " + error.SqlState +
                   "\nSeverity: " + error.Severity +
                   "\nIsError: " + error.IsError +
                   "\nIsFromServer: " + error.IsFromServer +
                   "\nIsFromClient: " + error.IsFromClient +
                   "\nIsInformation: " + error.IsInformation +
                   "\nIsWarning: " + error.IsWarning +
                   "\nLineNum: " + error.LineNum +
                   "\nProcName: " + error.ProcName +
                   "\nServerName: " + error.ServerName +
                   "\nStatus: " + error.Status +
                   "\nTranState: " + error.TranState +

outputs multiple lines:

Message: LOAD DATABASE [redacted]

Err Number: 3640
Severity: 10
IsError: False
IsFromServer: True
IsFromClient: False
IsInformation: False
IsWarning: True
LineNum: 1
ServerName:  [redacted]
Status: 0
TranState: 1

(I am using the driver; to get the latest you are supposed to have your dba log in to their portal and download the sdk)

bbarry commented 6 years ago

the type AseInfoMessageEventArgs has an interesting interpretation of what it should be doing... it has 2 properties:

My suggestion for the classes would be something like

public class AseInfoMessageEventArgs : EventArgs
    public AseErrorCollection Errors { get; }
    public string Message => Errors.FirstOrDefault()?.Message;

    internal AseInfoMessageEventArgs(AseErrorCollection errors) => Errors = errors;

public class AseErrorCollection : ReadOnlyCollection<AseError>
    internal AseErrorCollection([NotNull][ItemNotNull] IList<AseError> list) : base(list) { }
senseibaka commented 6 years ago

Now that the reference driver nuget package is marked as unlisted, I will probably update the test suite to require a BYO driver instead (and update wiki to explain how to get it).

senseibaka commented 6 years ago

Hi @chgeuer, it turns out that my company (DA) also has some need for this driver to report server messages.

Are you still active on this issue?


chgeuer commented 6 years ago

Hey Senseibaka, I have not yet started on that. So if you can build it, please go ahead and don't wait for me.

chgeuer commented 5 years ago

Very nice, works on my machine (TM). Thanks a lot!