DataBiosphere / azul

Metadata indexer and query service used for AnVIL, HCA, LungMAP, and CGP
Apache License 2.0
7 stars 2 forks source link

Race between manifest object creation and application of tags #5958

Closed achave11-ucsc closed 4 months ago

achave11-ucsc commented 7 months ago

The following logs exhibit the race when a service request for a manifest, with an ongoing generation, fails due to the manifest missing the name tag, which are then applied after the service request had return a 500 status code.

CloudWatch Logs Insights
region: us-east-1
log-group-names: /aws/lambda/azul-service-prod, /aws/lambda/azul-service-prod-manifest
start-time: -172800s
end-time: 0s

  fields @log, @message
| filter @requestId like /4f59e2bf|bec71649|d8637f62/
| parse @log '/lambda/*' as lambda
| filter @message like /Received|Returning|manifest|AssertionError/ or @log = '542754589326:/aws/lambda/azul-service-prod-manifest'
| display lambda, @message
| sort @timestamp asc

lambda @message
azul-service-prod [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:43.851Z bec71649-c982-4c24-b8f4-5365a893a401 azul.chalice Received GET request for '/fetch/manifest/files', with {"query": {"filters": "{\"projectId\":{\"is\":[\"0fd8f918-62d6-4b8b-ac35-4c53dd601f71\"]}}", "format": "compact"}, "headers": {"accept": "application/json", "accept-encoding": "gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3", "cloudfront-forwarded-proto": "https", "cloudfront-is-desktop-viewer": "true", "cloudfront-is-mobile-viewer": "false", "cloudfront-is-smarttv-viewer": "false", "cloudfront-is-tablet-viewer": "false", "cloudfront-viewer-asn": "396982", "cloudfront-viewer-country": "US", "content-type": "application/json", "host": "", "user-agent": "rest-client/2.1.0 (linux x8664) ruby/3.1.3p185", "via": "1.1 (CloudFront)", "x-amz-cf-id": "Bt6V6kpCZuiQQFWVxJCE8tGVFK3d2tTPiz-pAwWtVg57yBIGCW7cA==", "x-amzn-trace-id": "Root=1-65cbdd67-02809d41461208607f090cac", "x-app-id": "single-cell-portal", "x-domain-id": "localhost", "x-forwarded-for": ",", "x-forwarded-port": "443", "x-forwarded-proto": "https"}}.
azul-service-prod [DEBUG] 2024-02-13T21:21:43.860Z bec71649-c982-4c24-b8f4-5365a893a401 azul.service.manifest_service Computing content hash for manifest using filters Filters(explicit={'projectId': {'is': ['0fd8f918-62d6-4b8b-ac35-4c53dd601f71']}}, source_ids={…}) ...
azul-service-prod [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:43.891Z bec71649-c982-4c24-b8f4-5365a893a401 azul.service.manifest_service Manifest content hash -1634659691 was computed in 0.030s using filters Filters(explicit={'projectId': {'is': ['0fd8f918-62d6-4b8b-ac35-4c53dd601f71']}}, source_ids={…}).
azul-service-prod [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:43.893Z bec71649-c982-4c24-b8f4-5365a893a401 azul.boto3 s3.HeadObject: Making HEAD request to
azul-service-prod [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:43.943Z bec71649-c982-4c24-b8f4-5365a893a401 azul.service.manifest_service Cached manifest not found: ManifestKey(catalog='dcp34', format=<ManifestFormat.compact: 'compact'>, manifest_hash=UUID('52f339c2-0874-58b0-82a3-eef96ee01af5'), source_hash=UUID('58e28026-9ea8-5083-928d-0517707b35a2'))
azul-service-prod [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:43.943Z bec71649-c982-4c24-b8f4-5365a893a401 azul.service.async_manifest_service Starting execution 'arn:aws:states:us-east-1:542754589326:execution:azul-manifest-prod:mA-N1QanNw4BRqXGyNeSO6ALpQQ8S_WaGtolDmLrlJo' for input {'filters': {'explicit': {'projectId': {'is': ['0fd8f918-62d6-4b8b-ac35-4c53dd601f71']}}, 'source_ids': […}, 'partition': {'index': 0, 'is_last': False, 'file_name': None, 'config': None, 'multipart_upload_id': None, 'part_etags': None, 'page_index': None, 'is_last_page': None, 'search_after': None}}
azul-service-prod [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:44.070Z bec71649-c982-4c24-b8f4-5365a893a401 azul.service.async_manifest_service Started execution 'arn:aws:states:us-east-1:542754589326:execution:azul-manifest-prod:mA-N1QanNw4BRqXGyNeSO6ALpQQ8S_WaGtolDmLrlJo' or it was already running
azul-service-prod [DEBUG] 2024-02-13T21:21:44.071Z bec71649-c982-4c24-b8f4-5365a893a401 azul.chalice Returning 200 response with headers {"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*", "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "Authorization,Content-Type,X-Amz-Date,X-Amz-Security-Token,X-Api-Key", "Strict-Transport-Security": "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains"}. See next line for the first 1024 characters of the body. {"Status": 301, "Location": "", "Retry-After": 1}
azul-service-prod-manifest START RequestId: d8637f62-5eaa-49ae-bb81-b7d7c25fba3e Version: $LATEST
azul-service-prod-manifest [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:48.354Z d8637f62-5eaa-49ae-bb81-b7d7c25fba3e botocore.credentials Found credentials in environment variables.
azul-service-prod-manifest [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:48.511Z d8637f62-5eaa-49ae-bb81-b7d7c25fba3e azul.boto3 s3.HeadObject: Making HEAD request to
azul-service-prod-manifest [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:48.511Z d8637f62-5eaa-49ae-bb81-b7d7c25fba3e azul.boto3 s3.HeadObject: … without request body
azul-service-prod-manifest [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:48.568Z d8637f62-5eaa-49ae-bb81-b7d7c25fba3e azul.boto3 s3.HeadObject: Got 404 response
azul-service-prod-manifest [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:48.568Z d8637f62-5eaa-49ae-bb81-b7d7c25fba3e azul.boto3 s3.HeadObject: … with response body b''
azul-service-prod-manifest [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:48.568Z d8637f62-5eaa-49ae-bb81-b7d7c25fba3e azul.service.manifest_service Cached manifest not found: ManifestKey(catalog='dcp34', format=<ManifestFormat.compact: 'compact'>, manifest_hash=UUID('52f339c2-0874-58b0-82a3-eef96ee01af5'), source_hash=UUID('58e28026-9ea8-5083-928d-0517707b35a2'))
azul-service-prod-manifest [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:48.571Z d8637f62-5eaa-49ae-bb81-b7d7c25fba3e azul.boto3 s3.CreateMultipartUpload: Making POST request to
azul-service-prod-manifest [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:48.571Z d8637f62-5eaa-49ae-bb81-b7d7c25fba3e azul.boto3 s3.CreateMultipartUpload: … without request body
azul-service-prod-manifest [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:48.630Z d8637f62-5eaa-49ae-bb81-b7d7c25fba3e azul.boto3 s3.CreateMultipartUpload: Got 200 response
azul-service-prod-manifest [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:48.630Z d8637f62-5eaa-49ae-bb81-b7d7c25fba3e azul.boto3 s3.CreateMultipartUpload: … with response body b'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<Bucket...'
azul-service-prod-manifest [DEBUG] 2024-02-13T21:21:48.653Z d8637f62-5eaa-49ae-bb81-b7d7c25fba3e Creating ES client []
azul-service-prod-manifest [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:48.670Z d8637f62-5eaa-49ae-bb81-b7d7c25fba3e botocore.credentials Found credentials in environment variables.
azul-service-prod-manifest [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:48.674Z d8637f62-5eaa-49ae-bb81-b7d7c25fba3e elasticsearch Making POST request to
azul-service-prod-manifest [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:48.675Z d8637f62-5eaa-49ae-bb81-b7d7c25fba3e elasticsearch … with request body b'{"query":{"bool":{"must":[{"constant_score":{"filter":{"terms":{"contents.projects.document_id.keyword":["0fd8f918-62d6-4b8b-...'
azul-service-prod-manifest [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:48.744Z d8637f62-5eaa-49ae-bb81-b7d7c25fba3e elasticsearch Got 200 response after 0.069s from POST to
azul-service-prod-manifest [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:48.744Z d8637f62-5eaa-49ae-bb81-b7d7c25fba3e elasticsearch … with response body '{"took":21,"timed_out":false,"_shards":{"total":1,"successful":1,"skipped":0,"failed":0},"hits":{"total":{"value":134,"relation…'
azul-service-prod-manifest [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:48.913Z d8637f62-5eaa-49ae-bb81-b7d7c25fba3e elasticsearch Making POST request to
azul-service-prod-manifest [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:48.913Z d8637f62-5eaa-49ae-bb81-b7d7c25fba3e elasticsearch … with request body b'{"query":{"bool":{"must":[{"constant_score":{"filter":{"terms":{"contents.projects.document_id.keyword":["0fd8f918-62d6-4b8b-...'
azul-service-prod-manifest [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:48.949Z d8637f62-5eaa-49ae-bb81-b7d7c25fba3e elasticsearch Got 200 response after 0.036s from POST to
azul-service-prod-manifest [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:48.949Z d8637f62-5eaa-49ae-bb81-b7d7c25fba3e elasticsearch … with response body '{"took":4,"timed_out":false,"_shards":{"total":1,"successful":1,"skipped":0,"failed":0},"hits":{"total":{"value":134,"relation"…'
azul-service-prod [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:49.202Z 4f59e2bf-dce9-4ec3-8c05-01498b028b98 azul.chalice Received GET request for '/fetch/manifest/files', with {"query": {"filters": "{\"projectId\":{\"is\":[\"0fd8f918-62d6-4b8b-ac35-4c53dd601f71\"]}}", "format": "compact"}, "headers": {"accept": "application/json", "accept-encoding": "gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3", "cloudfront-forwarded-proto": "https", "cloudfront-is-desktop-viewer": "true", "cloudfront-is-mobile-viewer": "false", "cloudfront-is-smarttv-viewer": "false", "cloudfront-is-tablet-viewer": "false", "cloudfront-viewer-asn": "396982", "cloudfront-viewer-country": "US", "content-type": "application/json", "host": "", "user-agent": "rest-client/2.1.0 (linux x86_64) ruby/3.1.3p185", "via": "1.1 (CloudFront)", "x-amz-cf-id": "BAKjeNAfN26ntyA3w5wb9Zxn1LJ0wadpjp_dCl9vz87-Nl0FRgaB7A==", "x-amzn-trace-id": "Root=1-65cbdd6d-7ddd76cf515b3a5817d61bd1", "x-app-id": "single-cell-portal", "x-domain-id": "localhost", "x-forwarded-for": ",", "x-forwarded-port": "443", "x-forwarded-proto": "https"}}.
azul-service-prod [DEBUG] 2024-02-13T21:21:49.209Z 4f59e2bf-dce9-4ec3-8c05-01498b028b98 azul.service.manifest_service Computing content hash for manifest using filters Filters(explicit={'projectId': {'is': ['0fd8f918-62d6-4b8b-ac35-4c53dd601f71']}}, source_ids={…}) ...
azul-service-prod [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:49.241Z 4f59e2bf-dce9-4ec3-8c05-01498b028b98 azul.service.manifest_service Manifest content hash -1634659691 was computed in 0.031s using filters Filters(explicit={'projectId': {'is': ['0fd8f918-62d6-4b8b-ac35-4c53dd601f71']}}, source_ids={…}).
azul-service-prod [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:49.243Z 4f59e2bf-dce9-4ec3-8c05-01498b028b98 azul.boto3 s3.HeadObject: Making HEAD request to
azul-service-prod [DEBUG] 2024-02-13T21:21:49.263Z 4f59e2bf-dce9-4ec3-8c05-01498b028b98 azul.service.manifest_service Manifest object expires in 614290.736852 seconds, on 2024-02-21 00:00:00+00:00
azul-service-prod [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:49.264Z 4f59e2bf-dce9-4ec3-8c05-01498b028b98 azul.boto3 s3.GetObjectTagging: Making GET request to
azul-service-prod [ERROR] 2024-02-13T21:21:49.279Z 4f59e2bf-dce9-4ec3-8c05-01498b028b98 azul-service-prod Caught exception for path /fetch/manifest/files Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/task/azul/service/", line 744, in _get_cached_manifest_file_name encoded_file_name = tagging[self.file_name_tag] ~~~^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ KeyError: 'azul_file_name' During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/task/chalice/", line 1917, in _get_view_function_response response = view_function(**function_args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/var/task/", line 1557, in fetch_file_manifest_get return _file_manifest(fetch=True) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/var/task/", line 1583, in _file_manifest return app.manifest_controller.get_manifest_async(query_params=query_params, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/var/task/azul/service/", line 139, in get_manifest_async manifest = self.service.get_cached_manifest(format=format, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/var/task/azul/service/", line 651, in get_cached_manifest return self._get_cached_manifest(generator_cls, manifest_key) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/var/task/azul/service/", line 690, in _get_cached_manifest file_name = self._get_cached_manifest_file_name(generator_cls, manifest_key) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/var/task/azul/service/", line 747, in _get_cached_manifest_file_name assert False, (object_key, self.file_name_tag) AssertionError: ('manifests/52f339c2-0874-58b0-82a3-eef96ee01af5.58e28026-9ea8-5083-928d-0517707b35a2.tsv', 'azul_file_name')
azul-service-prod [DEBUG] 2024-02-13T21:21:49.282Z 4f59e2bf-dce9-4ec3-8c05-01498b028b98 azul.chalice Returning 500 response with headers {"Content-Type": "text/plain", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*", "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "Authorization,Content-Type,X-Amz-Date,X-Amz-Security-Token,X-Api-Key", "Strict-Transport-Security": "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains"}. See next line for the first 1024 characters of the body. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/task/azul/service/", line 744, in _get_cached_manifest_file_name encoded_file_name = tagging[self.file_name_tag] ~~~^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ KeyError: 'azul_file_name' During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/task/chalice/", line 1917, in _get_view_function_response response = view_function(**function_args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/var/task/", line 1557, in fetch_file_manifest_get return _file_manifest(fetch=True) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/var/task/", line 1583, in _file_manifest return app.manifest_controller.get_manifest_async(query_params=query_params, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/var/task/azul/service/", line 139, in get_manifest_async manifest = self.service.get_cached_m
azul-service-prod-manifest [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:49.292Z d8637f62-5eaa-49ae-bb81-b7d7c25fba3e azul.service.storage_service Tagging object 'manifests/52f339c2-0874-58b0-82a3-eef96ee01af5.58e28026-9ea8-5083-928d-0517707b35a2.tsv' with {'TagSet': [{'Key': 'azul_file_name', 'Value': 'SW1tdW5lQ2VsbEV4aGF1c3RpYW5ISVYgMjAyNC0wMi0xMyAyMS4yMS50c3Y='}]}
azul-service-prod-manifest [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:49.294Z d8637f62-5eaa-49ae-bb81-b7d7c25fba3e azul.boto3 s3.PutObjectTagging: Making PUT request to
azul-service-prod-manifest [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:49.294Z d8637f62-5eaa-49ae-bb81-b7d7c25fba3e azul.boto3 s3.PutObjectTagging: … with request body b'azul_file_nameSW1tdW5lQ2VsbEV4aGF1c3R...'
azul-service-prod-manifest [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:49.337Z d8637f62-5eaa-49ae-bb81-b7d7c25fba3e azul.boto3 s3.PutObjectTagging: Got 200 response
azul-service-prod-manifest [INFO] 2024-02-13T21:21:49.338Z d8637f62-5eaa-49ae-bb81-b7d7c25fba3e azul.boto3 s3.PutObjectTagging: … with response body b''
azul-service-prod-manifest END RequestId: d8637f62-5eaa-49ae-bb81-b7d7c25fba3e
azul-service-prod-manifest REPORT RequestId: d8637f62-5eaa-49ae-bb81-b7d7c25fba3e Duration: 1005.43 ms Billed Duration: 1006 ms Memory Size: 2048 MB Max Memory Used: 162 MB Init Duration: 2501.30 ms

achave11-ucsc commented 7 months ago

This patch was produced during PL:

Subject: [PATCH] [r] Index dcp35 in prod (#5949)
Index: src/azul/service/
IDEA additional info:
Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
diff --git a/src/azul/service/ b/src/azul/service/
--- a/src/azul/service/    (revision 9c69f828897a5b9b1c37f96dff7aaf94b04aca27)
+++ b/src/azul/service/    (date 1707945397482)
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
         token = Token.first(execution_id)
         input = json.dumps(input)
-            # If there already is an exception of the given name, and if that
+            # If there already is an execution of the given name, and if that
             # execution is still ongoing and was given the same input as what we
             # pass here, `start_execution` will succeed idempotently
             execution = self._sfn.start_execution(stateMachineArn=self.machine_arn,
@@ -133,12 +133,12 @@
         except self._sfn.exceptions.ExecutionAlreadyExists:
             # This exception indicates that there is already an execution with
-            # the given name but that it is has ended, or that its input differs
+            # the given name but that it has ended, or that its input differs
             # from what we were passing now. The latter case is unexpected and
             # therefore constitues an error. In the former case we return the
             # token so that the client has to make another request to actually
             # obtain the resulting manifest. Strictly speaking, we could return
-            # the manifest here but it keeps the control flow simpler. This is
+            # the manifest here, but it keeps the control flow simpler. This is
             # benevolent race is rare enough to not worry about optimizing.
             execution = self._sfn.describe_execution(executionArn=execution_arn)
             if execution['input'] != input:
Index: src/azul/service/
IDEA additional info:
Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
diff --git a/src/azul/service/ b/src/azul/service/
--- a/src/azul/service/  (revision 9c69f828897a5b9b1c37f96dff7aaf94b04aca27)
+++ b/src/azul/service/  (date 1707945678727)
@@ -743,8 +743,15 @@
                     encoded_file_name = tagging[self.file_name_tag]
                 except KeyError:
-                    # Can't be absent under S3's strong consistency
-                    assert False, (object_key, self.file_name_tag)
+                    # Some manifest generators apply the tag after creating
+                    # the object. If we happened to be right inbetween the
+                    # creation and application of tags, we pretend that the
+                    # manifest object doesn't exist, assuming that the caller
+                    # will tell the client to check back later. Note that this
+                    # might even involve the attempted creation of a step-function
+                    # execution but because step-functions are idempotent the result
+                    # of the … <TODO>
+                    return None
                     encoded_file_name = encoded_file_name.encode('ascii')
                     return base64.urlsafe_b64decode(encoded_file_name).decode('utf-8')
achave11-ucsc commented 7 months ago

Assignee to consider next steps.

hannes-ucsc commented 7 months ago

This race is rare so a fix might be difficult to verify. To increase the probability of the race, a drop! commit should be added, containing a time.sleep() call between the creation of the manifest object and the application tags to it. The integration_test.IndexingIntegrationTest._test_manifest test case already covers multiple concurrent requests to the same manifest, and should fail in the presence of that sleep.

dsotirho-ucsc commented 7 months ago

Spike to perform above experiment.

achave11-ucsc commented 7 months ago

The integration_test.IndexingIntegrationTest._test_manifest test case already covers multiple concurrent requests to the same manifest, and should fail in the presence of that sleep.

@hannes-ucsc: "That's not actually the case because all concurrent requests are made at the same time, observe the object to be missing and get a token presenting the ongoing step function execution. The race is observed when one thread starts the generation and the second thread, a little latter observes the manifest object to exists but not yet tagged. This requires that the initial request made by the two threads is staggered and not at the same time. Assignee to create a dedicated IT test method for this purpose."

achave11-ucsc commented 7 months ago

This new integration test that reproduces the race conditions for the paged manifest generators, in addition to the drop! commit make the test fail as expected when the manifest requested is available but not yet tagged.

Index: src/azul/service/
IDEA additional info:
Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
diff --git a/src/azul/service/ b/src/azul/service/
--- a/src/azul/service/  (revision d280daece2fba9f83380079d466188820acec31f)
+++ b/src/azul/service/  (date 1709063955081)
@@ -1290,6 +1290,7 @@
                     file_name = self.file_name(manifest_key, base_name=partition.file_name)
                     tagging = self.tagging(file_name)
                     if tagging is not None:
+                        time.sleep(16)  # Exposes race between manifest completion and tagging
               , tagging)
                     return partition.last(file_name)
Index: test/
IDEA additional info:
Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
--- a/test/  (revision d280daece2fba9f83380079d466188820acec31f)
+++ b/test/  (date 1709063938522)
@@ -490,6 +490,8 @@

+        catalog = self.random.choice(catalogs)
+        self._test_manifest_tagging_race(
         for catalog in catalogs:
@@ -569,29 +571,74 @@
             with self.subTest('other_endpoints', endpoint=endpoint, path=path, args=args):
                 self._check_endpoint(GET, path, args=args, endpoint=endpoint)

-    def _test_manifest(self, catalog: CatalogName):
+    def _test_manifest_tagging_race(self, catalog: CatalogName):
         supported_formats = self.metadata_plugin(catalog).manifest_formats
         assert supported_formats
         validators: dict[ManifestFormat, Callable[[str, bytes], None]] = {
             ManifestFormat.compact: self._check_compact_manifest,
-            ManifestFormat.terra_bdbag: self._check_terra_bdbag_manifest,
-            ManifestFormat.terra_pfb: self._check_terra_pfb_manifest,
-            ManifestFormat.curl: self._check_curl_manifest
+            ManifestFormat.curl: self._check_compact_manifest,
-        for format in [None, *supported_formats]:
-            # IT catalogs with just one public source are always indexed
-            # completely if that source contains less than the minimum number of
-            # bundles required. So regardless of any randomness employed by this
-            # test, manifests derived from these catalogs will always be based
-            # on the same content hash. Since the resulting reuse of cached
-            # manifests interferes with this test, we need another means of
-            # randomizing the manifest key: a random but all-inclusive filter.
-            tibi_byte = 1024 ** 4
-            filters = {
-                self._file_size_facet(catalog): {
-                    'within': [[0, tibi_byte + self.random.randint(0, tibi_byte)]]
-                }
-            }
+        filters = self._init_manifest_filters(catalog)
+        format = self.random.choice([*validators])
+        endpoint_url = config.service_endpoint
+        manifeset_url = endpoint_url.set(path='/manifest/files')
+        with self.subTest('manifest-tagging', catalog=catalog, format=format):
+            args = dict(catalog=catalog, filters=json.dumps(filters))
+            validator = validators[format]
+            args['format'] = format.value
+            manifeset_url.args = args
+            responses = list()
+            while True:
+                response = self._get_url(PUT, manifeset_url)
+                responses.append(response)
+                if response.status == 301:
+                    # Request the same manifest without following the redirect
+                    # in order to expose the race condition that returns an
+                    # untagged cached manifest. This happens when a step
+                    # function execution has generated a manifest but is still
+                    # in the process of tagging the object.
+                    time.sleep(2)
+                elif response.status == 302:
+                    signed_url = furl(response.headers['Location'])
+                    response = self._get_url(GET, signed_url)
+                    break
+            validator(catalog,
+            execution_ids = self._manifest_execution_ids(responses, fetch=False)
+            self.assertEqual(1, len(execution_ids))
+    def _init_manifest_filters(self, catalog):
+        # IT catalogs with just one public source are always indexed
+        # completely if that source contains less than the minimum number of
+        # bundles required. So regardless of any randomness employed by this
+        # test, manifests derived from these catalogs will always be based
+        # on the same content hash. Since the resulting reuse of cached
+        # manifests interferes with this test, we need another means of
+        # randomizing the manifest key: a random but all-inclusive filter.
+        tibi_byte = 1024 ** 4
+        return {
+            self._file_size_facet(catalog): {
+                'within': [[0, tibi_byte + self.random.randint(0, tibi_byte)]]
+            }
+        }
+    def _test_manifest(self, catalog: CatalogName):
+        supported_formats = self.metadata_plugin(catalog).manifest_formats
+        assert supported_formats
+        validators: dict[ManifestFormat, Callable[[str, bytes], None]] = {
+            ManifestFormat.compact: self._check_compact_manifest,
+            ManifestFormat.terra_bdbag: self._check_terra_bdbag_manifest,
+            ManifestFormat.terra_pfb: self._check_terra_pfb_manifest,
+            ManifestFormat.curl: self._check_curl_manifest
+        }
+        for format in [None, *supported_formats]:
+            filters = self._init_manifest_filters(catalog)
             first_fetch = bool(self.random.getrandbits(1))
             for fetch in [first_fetch, not first_fetch]:
                 with self.subTest('manifest', catalog=catalog, format=format, fetch=fetch):
achave11-ucsc commented 7 months ago

This is the behavior, as per the service & manifest-service lambda logs,

CloudWatch Logs Insights
region: us-east-1
log-group-names: /aws/lambda/azul-service-abrahamsc, /aws/lambda/azul-service-abrahamsc-manifest
start-time: 2024-02-27T18:36:46.273Z
end-time: 2024-02-27T18:37:10.392Z

  fields @timestamp
| parse @log "lambda/*" as lambda 
| filter @message like /Received|Returning|s3\.Create/
| filter @requestId like /c70a6273|aec38af5|c3f42697|be7613d3|752d2d63|cae7bef7|0f78b4c6|70453983|a5016217/
| parse "Received * request for '*'" as method, path
| parse 'catalog": "*"' as catalog
| parse 'Returning * response' as status
| parse 'Location": "*"' as location
| parse "KeyError: '*'" as assertion_error_on
| parse 'azul.boto3*' as manifest_gen
| sort @timestamp asc
| limit 1000

@timestamp lambda method path catalog status location assertion_error_on manifest_gen
2024-02-27 18:36:57.384 azul-service-abrahamsc PUT /manifest/files dcp3-it
2024-02-27 18:36:58.012 azul-service-abrahamsc 301
2024-02-27 18:37:00.137 azul-service-abrahamsc PUT /manifest/files dcp3-it
2024-02-27 18:37:00.234 azul-service-abrahamsc 301
2024-02-27 18:37:01.674 azul-service-abrahamsc-manifest s3.CreateMultipartUpload: Making POST request to
2024-02-27 18:37:01.675 azul-service-abrahamsc-manifest s3.CreateMultipartUpload: … without request body
2024-02-27 18:37:01.702 azul-service-abrahamsc-manifest s3.CreateMultipartUpload: Got 200 response
2024-02-27 18:37:01.702 azul-service-abrahamsc-manifest s3.CreateMultipartUpload: … with response body b'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<Bucket...'
2024-02-27 18:37:02.360 azul-service-abrahamsc PUT /manifest/files dcp3-it
2024-02-27 18:37:02.439 azul-service-abrahamsc 500 azul_file_name
2024-02-27 18:37:02.575 azul-service-abrahamsc PUT /manifest/files dcp3-it
2024-02-27 18:37:02.629 azul-service-abrahamsc 500 azul_file_name
2024-02-27 18:37:02.740 azul-service-abrahamsc PUT /manifest/files dcp3-it
2024-02-27 18:37:02.795 azul-service-abrahamsc 500 azul_file_name
2024-02-27 18:37:02.912 azul-service-abrahamsc PUT /manifest/files dcp3-it
2024-02-27 18:37:03.005 azul-service-abrahamsc 500 azul_file_name
2024-02-27 18:37:03.258 azul-service-abrahamsc PUT /manifest/files dcp3-it
2024-02-27 18:37:03.321 azul-service-abrahamsc 500 azul_file_name
2024-02-27 18:37:03.433 azul-service-abrahamsc PUT /manifest/files dcp3-it
2024-02-27 18:37:03.484 azul-service-abrahamsc 500 azul_file_name

hannes-ucsc commented 4 months ago

For demo, disable the fix in a personal deployment, re-deploy and run the IT. It should fail. It might help to prime the IT using the delete and index variables so we don't have to wait for indexing part of the IT to complete.