DataBiosphere / azul

Metadata indexer and query service used for AnVIL, HCA, LungMAP, and CGP
Apache License 2.0
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HCA replicas lack DRS URI and descriptor #6299

Open nadove-ucsc opened 3 months ago

nadove-ucsc commented 3 months ago

nadove-ucsc commented 3 months ago

Assignee to add reproduction using JSONL manifest, and BigQuery output from files table for reference.

nadove-ucsc commented 3 months ago

Here is an example of file metadata containing a DRS URI and descriptor, for this file:

select * from `datarepo-f4d7c97e.hca_prod_2ad191cdbd7a409b9bd1e72b5e4cce81__20220111_dcp2_20220114_dcp12.sequence_file`
limit 1

With serialized JSON strings expanded in the content and descriptor columns for legibility:

    "datarepo_row_id": "3a3f3042-672c-48d6-917e-ad7fede70096",
    "content": {
        "describedBy": "",
        "schema_type": "file",
        "file_core": {
            "file_name": "SRR13509367_83942_MissingLibrary_1_HNJJVBBXX_R1.fastq.gz",
            "format": "fastq.gz",
            "content_description": [
                    "text": "DNA sequence",
                    "ontology": "data:3494",
                    "ontology_label": "DNA sequence"
        "read_index": "read1",
        "lane_index": 9,
        "insdc_run_accessions": [
        "provenance": {
            "document_id": "74df138b-a13b-412c-a9c5-f80336e42c89",
            "submission_date": "2021-11-26T15:22:17.318Z",
            "update_date": "2021-11-29T10:27:18.731Z",
            "schema_major_version": 9,
            "schema_minor_version": 3
    "file_id": "drs://",
    "version": "2021-11-26 15:22:17.318000 UTC",
    "sequence_file_id": "74df138b-a13b-412c-a9c5-f80336e42c89",
    "descriptor": {
        "file_id": "4e05daaa-13f4-4aa4-8f85-a8b716cdd3f8",
        "file_version": "2021-11-26T15:22:17.318000Z",
        "file_name": "SRR13509367_83942_MissingLibrary_1_HNJJVBBXX_R1.fastq.gz",
        "content_type": "binary/octet-stream; dcp-type=data",
        "size": 8981108947,
        "sha1": "7744af1664b2bc5145bf9ed8c5d7e3050185f8f9",
        "sha256": "561732126211c60d914bdeee6daadbd3f894663fc94f1cc695e26bcff2388d09",
        "crc32c": "9f52041d",
        "s3_etag": "4e8c0927af738182d64bd03b0f388896-134",
        "schema_type": "file_descriptor",
        "describedBy": "",
        "schema_version": "2.0.0"
nadove-ucsc commented 3 months ago

The JSONL manifest from filtering for only that file:

curl -X 'PUT' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
$ cat Desktop/hca-manifest-c88d5f47-dc61-5397-9172-54660398122d.87b5592e-c7c2-5da8-98fc-5c39d257c885.jsonl | jq 'select(.type == "file")'
  "contents": {
    "describedBy": "",
    "schema_type": "file",
    "file_core": {
      "file_name": "SRR13509367_83942_MissingLibrary_1_HNJJVBBXX_R1.fastq.gz",
      "format": "fastq.gz",
      "content_description": [
          "text": "DNA sequence",
          "ontology": "data:3494",
          "ontology_label": "DNA sequence"
    "read_index": "read1",
    "lane_index": 9,
    "insdc_run_accessions": [
    "provenance": {
      "document_id": "74df138b-a13b-412c-a9c5-f80336e42c89",
      "submission_date": "2021-11-26T15:22:17.318Z",
      "update_date": "2021-11-29T10:27:18.731Z",
      "schema_major_version": 9,
      "schema_minor_version": 3
  "type": "file"
dsotirho-ucsc commented 3 months ago

@hannes-ucsc: "Depending on the outcome of the on-going Slack discussion with the Terra import team, we could either produce just the content, descriptor and file_id columns (for file tables, just content for other tables), or completely flatten the metadata into a dictionary where the keys are dotted paths and the values are arrays. We could also offer two different flavors of the verbatim PFB manifest."

dsotirho-ucsc commented 3 months ago

Assignee to consider next steps.

hannes-ucsc commented 2 months ago

The issue is that we currently only include the value of the contents column from the snapshot's BQ table. To include the file_id and descriptor columns we would have to invent column names for them that don't conflict with any top-level property names from the HCA schema. That seems arbitrary and brittle.

The completely flattened approach ("file_core.content_description.text": "DNA sequence") would be awkward to use in case of values that are arrays . The column name, essentially a JSON path, would have to include the [] notation, leading to column names not known in advance, or the column values would have to be arrays, requiring users to correlate array indices (the n-th value in column a.b.c corresponds to the n-th value in column a.b.c). This would be further complicated by the question of handling arrays whose values are dictionaries containing dictionaries or arrays.

A partially flattened approach seems like the best compromise. Knowing the HCA schema, it appears that a flattening depth (number of dots in the column name) of 2 would be most useful. To avoid the array complexities described above, the flattening would have to be shallower when it encounters an array value. The resulting replica entity in the PFB would look as follows:

    "datarepo_row_id": "3a3f3042-672c-48d6-917e-ad7fede70096",
    "file_id": "drs://",
    "content.describedBy": "",
    "content.schema_type": "file",
    "content.file_core.file_name": "SRR13509367_83942_MissingLibrary_1_HNJJVBBXX_R1.fastq.gz",
    "content.file_core.format": "fastq.gz",
    "content.file_core.content_description": [
            "text": "DNA sequence",
            "ontology": "data:3494",
            "ontology_label": "DNA sequence"
    "content.read_index": "read1",
    "content.lane_index": 9,
    "content.insdc_run_accessions": [
    "content.provenance.document_id": "74df138b-a13b-412c-a9c5-f80336e42c89",
    "content.provenance.submission_date": "2021-11-26T15:22:17.318Z",
    "content.provenance.update_date": "2021-11-29T10:27:18.731Z",
    "content.provenance.schema_major_version": 9,
    "content.provenance.schema_minor_version": 3,
    "descriptor.file_id": "4e05daaa-13f4-4aa4-8f85-a8b716cdd3f8",
    "descriptor.file_version": "2021-11-26T15:22:17.318000Z",
    "descriptor.file_name": "SRR13509367_83942_MissingLibrary_1_HNJJVBBXX_R1.fastq.gz",
    "descriptor.content_type": "binary/octet-stream; dcp-type=data",
    "descriptor.size": 8981108947,
    "descriptor.sha1": "7744af1664b2bc5145bf9ed8c5d7e3050185f8f9",
    "descriptor.sha256": "561732126211c60d914bdeee6daadbd3f894663fc94f1cc695e26bcff2388d09",
    "descriptor.crc32c": "9f52041d",
    "descriptor.s3_etag": "4e8c0927af738182d64bd03b0f388896-134",
    "descriptor.schema_type": "file_descriptor",
    "descriptor.describedBy": "",
    "descriptor.schema_version": "2.0.0"

This approach is bijective (aka lossless aka reversible), doesn't lead to an excessive number of columns, solves this issue, and doesn't require inventing column names to avoid naming conflicts.

hannes-ucsc commented 2 months ago

Spike to review above comment and determine if dots are allowed in AvroPFB property names, and if those are retained on import, resulting in dots in workspace table column names.

nadove-ucsc commented 1 month ago

Terra does NOT allow dots in AvroPFB property names:


Workspace link

I tested this using the following patch. I used an AnVIL manifest instead of HCA because it was easier to change the PFB schema.

ee02daba2 (HEAD -> issues/nadove-ucsc/6299-hca-replicas-lack-drs-uri-descriptor) drop! Test support for . in PFB handover columns
diff --git a/src/azul/plugins/metadata/anvil/ b/src/azul/plugins/metadata/anvil/
index 77fea54c3..c7e5f451f 100644
--- a/src/azul/plugins/metadata/anvil/
+++ b/src/azul/plugins/metadata/anvil/
@@ -304,6 +304,13 @@ class Plugin(MetadataPlugin[AnvilBundle]):
     def verbatim_pfb_schema(self,
                             replicas: Iterable[JSON]
                             ) -> tuple[Iterable[JSON], Sequence[str], JSON]:
+        def insert_dot(r):
+            r = r.copy()
+            r['contents'] = {'' + k: v for k, v in r['contents'].items()}
+            return r
+        return super().verbatim_pfb_schema(map(insert_dot, replicas))
         entity_schemas = []
         entity_types = []
         for table_schema in sorted(anvil_schema['tables'], key=itemgetter('name')):

Here is a preview of the manifest that failed to import (it contains only public entities):

$ pfb show -i Desktop/anvil-manifest-d25978db-c07b-59c7-942b-398ac4130346.ad14b32b-dea0-555e-b745-8ebe5bb0958d.avro  | jq . | head -50
  "id": "636f608f-459e-46ec-bad2-13ad1867686a",
  "name": "anvil_file",
  "object": {
    "": "",
    "": [],
    "": "636f608f-459e-46ec-bad2-13ad1867686a",
    "": "drs://",
    "": ".crai",
    "": "3c387d5a-69e3-4bd4-abd5-283a09a8ad09",
    "": "To/CtLVpMUPpulH7wLrNOA==",
    "": "",
    "": "drs://",
    "": 1324028,
    "": false,
    "": [],
    "": "",
    "": [
    "": "2022-06-01T00:00:00.000000Z"
  "relations": []
  "id": "4156f936-563a-42c5-b2a2-eae115f0d067",
  "name": "anvil_activity",
nadove-ucsc commented 1 month ago

I have one other observation. The design of the verbatim handover says:

The .content property [of a replica] contains the verbatim metadata entity as supplied by the repository plugin.

It is not trivial to incorporate the descriptor into this design, regardless of how it is represented in the manifest. The metadata entities supplied by the repository plugin are passed to the metadata plugin via the metadata_files attribute of an HCABundle instance. As we populate this bundle, we dissolve each entity's descriptor into the bundle's synthetic manifest* entry, thus erasing the original column structure.

*The old meaning of manifest, not related to the handover

The metadata plugin could reconstruct most of the descriptor from the manifest fields, but that may result the omission of descriptor fields that don't have an analog in the manifest entry. A bigger problem is external DRS URI's: the manifest entry's drs_uri field may either come directly from the file_id column, or if it's "external", from a field in the descriptor column. Currently, there's no way to recover whether the DRS URI was external or not (and thus, which replica field it belongs in) after the entity is added to the bundle.

I suggest the spike be extended to come up with a design for how to address this problem.

dsotirho-ucsc commented 1 month ago

Assignee to consider next steps.

hannes-ucsc commented 1 month ago

I suggest the spike be extended to come up with a design for how to address this problem.

Agreed. I think the solution to retaining the descriptor may be to pass it along in the bundle, as an additional entry so that no reconstruction is necessary.

I still like the partial unnesting I proposed above. Could you please try a dash - as the path separator?

nadove-ucsc commented 1 month ago

Postponing this part of the spike:

I think the solution to retaining the descriptor may be to pass it along in the bundle, as an additional entry so that no reconstruction is necessary.

nadove-ucsc commented 1 month ago

Could you please try a dash - as the path separator?

Manifest using - as a path separator imported successfully.


dsotirho-ucsc commented 1 month ago

Assignee to also inquire whether Terra team is open to allowing dots in column names.

hannes-ucsc commented 1 month ago

I think the only sane solution is to dissolve the notion of manifest and replace it with descriptor.

The manifest was a concept from DSS: there was one manifest entry per file, metadata was stored in .json files and so there was one manifest entry per data and metadata file. Descriptors are the DCP/2 equivalent to manifest entries but they only exist for data files. The TDR HCA repository plugin emulates the manifest by converting each descriptor to a manifest entry for data files, and by synthesizing a manifest entry for each metadata entitty, just as if those entities were stored as files. It even synthesizes a file name for them. The manifest entries are augmented with additional fields that didn't exist in DSS, like is_stitched, which is an HCA-specific, Azul-internal property.

The implementer is free to pick any bundle representation they see fit as long as the term manifest is eliminated and replaced with descriptor and the descriptors are a verbatim copy of the descriptor column from the TDR …_file tables. If any additional properties need to be added to the descriptor JSON structure, their names should be prefixed with azul_ to avoid name collisions. I suggest that the HCABundle.manifest attribute is renamed to descriptors, and that it is converted to a dictionary that allows for efficient lookup in the HCA metadata plugin. If old DSS cans or code need to be refactored to align with that new bundle representation, that's OK. We don't want to lose test coverage but we don't need to accurately represent obsolete metadata formats or APIs.

Since 90% of this is a refactoring, the history should be broken up into fine-grained commits that are build individually on GitHub. I usually delve right into the refactoring without considering the history until I am pleased with the result and then carefully repeat my actions on another branch, taking great care to create self-contained and -descriptive commits, until the new branch ends up yielding no significant diff to the old one.

I'd be OK with a partial PR that only does the refactoring, or a complete PR that adds the descriptor to the replica representation in the index and all verbatim manifest formats.

hannes-ucsc commented 1 month ago

Assignee to also inquire whether Terra team is open to allowing dots in column names.

hannes-ucsc commented 1 month ago

If Terra is unwilling, we will use double underscore __ instead of dot (.) or dash (-), as the dot is disallowed and the dash visually binds more than the single underscore that frequently occurs in the property names it is used to separate.

nadove-ucsc commented 2 weeks ago

As of PR, the following work remains outstanding for this issue:

Eliminate the notion of a "manifest" from HCA bundles. Replace the manifest entries with verbatim copies of file descriptors, and add a level of nesting to the "metadata" attribute so that the existing values are moved to a property called "content". For some entities, this will be the only property, but files will have two additional properties: "descriptor" and "file_id". The intent is for the properties of each value to correspond to BigQuery columns.

Once this restructuring is complete, we can include these additional properties in the replicas. The verbatim manifest generator will then partially flatten the replicas as explained, using __ (two underscores) as a path separator.

Addendum: the stitched attribute added in this PR could also be folded into the properties of the metadata values, acting like a pseudo-column. If this is done, then the new, refactored structure of HCA bundles will very closely resemble the current structure of AnVIL bundles. It may be then be relatively low hanging fruit to eliminate the remaining inconsistencies' in HCABundle and AnvilBundle's interfaces, which could help streamline a lot of our testing code.

(copied from the PR (1) (2))