Closed avedmala closed 3 months ago
Step Function events that are from Legacy Lambda enter the layer wrapped in a Payload: {}. Here's an example
Payload: {}
{'Payload': {'Execution': {'Id': 'arn:aws:states:sa-east-1:425362996713:execution:abhinav-legacy-lam-sf:ca7383bc-e370-4a85-a266-a4686bd7d00f', 'Input': {}, 'StartTime': '2024-08-08T18:55:03.805Z', 'Name': 'ca7383bc-e370-4a85-a266-a4686bd7d00f', 'RoleArn': 'arn:aws:iam::425362996713:role/service-role/StepFunctions-abhinav-test-1-role-4u48d0717', 'RedriveCount': 0}, 'StateMachine': {'Id': 'arn:aws:states:sa-east-1:425362996713:stateMachine:abhinav-legacy-lam-sf', 'Name': 'abhinav-legacy-lam-sf'}, 'State': {'Name': 'Lambda Invoke', 'EnteredTime': '2024-08-08T18:55:03.847Z', 'RetryCount': 0}}}
This change will check if events fall into this case and parse them accordingly so that we can extract the trace context and infer a span link between the Step Function and the downstream Legacy Lambda
What does this PR do?
Step Function events that are from Legacy Lambda enter the layer wrapped in a
Payload: {}
. Here's an exampleThis change will check if events fall into this case and parse them accordingly so that we can extract the trace context and infer a span link between the Step Function and the downstream Legacy Lambda
Testing Guidelines
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Types of Changes
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