DataDog / dd-sdk-android-gradle-plugin

The Datadog Gradle Plugin for Android
Apache License 2.0
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The proguard mapping file size exceeded the maximum 50 MB size #66

Closed mahdi13 closed 3 months ago

mahdi13 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for taking the time for reporting an issue!

Describe what happened

> The proguard mapping file at: [.../mapping.txt] size exceeded the maximum 50 MB size. This task cannot be performed.

The limit is not enough for many use cases, is there any way to upload larger mapping files?

Steps to reproduce the issue: Run the Gradle command:


Describe what you expected: Being able to upload larger mapping files

Additional context

xgouchet commented 2 years ago

Hi @mahdi13, unfortunately this size limit is applied to all our uploading mecanism, and is not one we can overcome easily. Can you share with us your proguard configuration? Most importantly do you have the minifyEnabled set to true in your release configuration?

muratke commented 2 years ago

Hi @xgouchet,

this problem started to affect us as well. We're not able to upload the mappings which can make Datadog almost unusable for our android app. minifyEnabled is set to true in our release configuration.

xgouchet commented 2 years ago

Hi @muratke , unfortunately this is a hardcoded limit in our servers that we can't bypass right now. We do have a plan to try and handle larger mapping files but we don't have any ETA yet. How large are you mapping files?

muratke commented 2 years ago

@xgouchet It depends on the build but started to be 50-60 MBs. Do you have a workaround until you'd be able to increase the limit?

xgouchet commented 2 years ago

The only workaround that could work would be to disable obfuscation for all the third party open source libraries you're using. Because those are open source, you won't gain anything by obfuscating them. Doing so will limit the size of your mapping file.

muratke commented 2 years ago

While it is decreasing the mapping file size, it will increase the APK size and will not optimize/shrink the code. Might be used as a temporary solution, would like to get it fixed soon.

xgouchet commented 2 years ago

you can setup your Proguard file to still shrink parts of the code without obfuscating it. Using the keepnames instruction, you can specify classes and class members whose names are to be preserved, if they aren't removed in the shrinking phase.

geranzo commented 2 years ago

Hi, We hit the same problem and our mapping.txt file is close to 100 MB. However it compresses very well, down to around 5-6% of the original size. If the server limit is hard to change then perhaps this could be the way (modifying uploadMappingRelease task and your server-side end to accept compressed files) ?

trymnilsen commented 2 years ago

We are able to shave of a little bit but not enough to get below 50mb for the mapping file for our project. We have started using logging, but it would be nice to have crash reports as well in datadog. This is a blocker for us at the moment to transition.

orafaaraujo commented 2 years ago


I'm facing the same issue.

Is possible to upload the file directly to the Datadog dashboard somehow? Although it's not scalable it can be a temporary solution while we work on our proguard file rules


xgouchet commented 2 years ago

Hi @orafaaraujo, unfortunately the limit is not in the plugin itself but in our storage, so there'sno way for now to have a mapping file larger than 50 Mb. Since version 1.4.0, of the plugin, we do offer a renaming feature that allows you to shrink the size of the mapping file:

datadog {
  mappingFilePackageAliases = ["": "gson"]
  mappingFileTrimIndents = true

We're thinking on solutions we could use to support larger files but don't have any precise timeline to disclose yet.

orafaaraujo commented 2 years ago

Hey, @xgouchet

I'll review our R8 rules and apply your suggestion too, thank you for the quick reply!

lalunamel commented 2 years ago

Heyo - want to add our hat in the ring here. I'm the mobile infrastructure engineer at Gusto and we're also running into this issue. Our mapping file is 97mb, which as far as I've read elsewhere on the internet is not uncommon for any established kotlin app.

I tried out the packageAliases and trimIndents suggestion above in our own build and the space savings is marginal, unfortunately.

Would love to see a solution here that allows us to both use minification (because it reduces our bundle size and attracts more downloads) as well as error reporting (because error reporting is required to support users and build an app that is bug-free).

Edit: FWIW our previous logging and error reporting provider did this: bugsnag

gyulavoros commented 2 years ago

@lalunamel It actually seems like a really reasonable idea. Our mapping.txt file weighs around 63MB at the moment and compressing it into a ZIP archive, compress it down to 6.6 MBs.

@xgouchet Would something like this work on your end? Compress the mapping file, upload the archive, and extract it on the other end. Or is the problem still the underlying storage abstraction, which prevents files from exceeding 50 MBs?

xgouchet commented 2 years ago

hi @gyulavoros, there are many implication that we need to handle, but this is a topic we're actively investigating, to ensure that the Error Tracking experience works for applications with large mapping files

Krupson commented 1 year ago

@xgouchet any updates on the problem? What about compression mentioned by @geranzo? My mapping file got compressed from 52 to 4 MB using built-in system zipper.

xgouchet commented 1 year ago

Hi @Krupson, this is a topic we are working on, but is not a trivial task. We'll update this ticket as soon as we have something fixed.

antondudakov commented 1 year ago

same problem

tevjef commented 1 year ago

Here's a very crude solution I whipped up internally so we can get a basic demo of RUM. We basically just strip mappings we don't care about, for us, that means packages that don't match our app package. Obviously, this isn't very useful for crashes :/, we use already Firebase for that.

MohammadRezaei92 commented 1 year ago

Here's a very crude solution I whipped up internally so we can get a basic demo of RUM. We basically just strip mappings we don't care about, for us, that means packages that don't match our app package. Obviously, this isn't very useful for crashes :/, we use already Firebase for that.

Where should I put ProguardMappingMapperTask file? Is any dependency needed?

Krupson commented 1 year ago

@MohammadRezaei92 I put it inside my buildSrc project. It's not default - you have to add it on your own.

jasonxfhu commented 1 year ago

I've also opted to trim the mapping file based on package, but during the uploadMappingRelease task, Datadog is doing some "optimizations" on the file and actually ends up making it 4x as big 🙃

Size of /build/outputs/mapping/release/mapping-striped.txt before optimization is 16014509 bytes
Size of optimized file is 62495216 bytes
pvegh commented 1 year ago

Same problem here with mapping.txt being 88MB

0xnm commented 1 year ago

We have published version 1.7.0 of our plugin, which bumps upload limit to 100 MB (only for US1 for now) and adds GZIP support for the faster upload.

0xnm commented 1 year ago

@jasonxfhu This is quite strange. Can you please share some block from the original file and optimized (few lines should be enough), so that we can understand why this happens?

pvegh commented 1 year ago

Nice. When can we count with this in the EU?

0xnm commented 1 year ago

@pvegh We hope that we will be able to relax the limits for other DCs in the few months, around the spring.

MalcolmMcFly commented 1 year ago

@0xnm is the following still valid in 1.7.0?:

datadog {
    mappingFileTrimIndents = true
    mappingFilePackageAliases = mapOf(
        "kotlinx.coroutines" to "kx.cor",
        "" to "material",
        "" to "gson"
0xnm commented 1 year ago

Hello @MalcolmMcFly! Yes, this API is still there. Do you experience any issues?

tchang-acorns commented 1 year ago

@0xnm Our mapping file is 154mb and even with these renaming features, it is still at 149mb. Is there any way for me to upload the zipped file itself?

0xnm commented 1 year ago

@tchang-acorns No, currently there is no such possibility (limits are checked for the uncompressed data). We are working on the improvements, I hope we will be able to make them available in Q2.

MalcolmMcFly commented 1 year ago

Here's a very crude solution I whipped up internally so we can get a basic demo of RUM. We basically just strip mappings we don't care about, for us, that means packages that don't match our app package. Obviously, this isn't very useful for crashes :/, we use already Firebase for that.

Can confirm this worked for us.

Oliver1123 commented 1 year ago

We also experience this issue,

@pvegh We hope that we will be able to relax the limits for other DCs in the few months, around the spring.

0xnm any update on limitation changes for EU?

0xnm commented 1 year ago

@Oliver1123 We are hoping to have it by the end of Q2 or in Q3.

0xnm commented 1 year ago

Good news: we now support uploads up to 200 MB for US1 and EU1 sites, please update our Gradle Plugin to version 1.9.0 to be able to do such uploads.

US3, US5, AP1 still stay with 50 MB limit, but we are working on bringing the support for big uploads also there.

jeremygriffes commented 1 year ago

It looks like the upload size is still restricted to 50 MB for US1_FED. Can you please confirm?

0xnm commented 1 year ago

Hello @jeremygriffes! Yes, US1_FED still has 50 MB limit, we are working on solving it.

0xnm commented 1 year ago

We now support uploads up to 300 MB in US1, EU1, US3, US5. AP1 and US1_FED still have 50 MB limit.

davidokonji commented 8 months ago

Hello @0xnm Curious about how the zone is determined. is it using related to the DATADOG_SITE set? because currently using in the EU zone, but still getting the limit error size exceeded the maximum 50 MB size . Am I missing something?

0xnm commented 8 months ago

Hello @davidokonji! Yes, it is based on the DATADOG_SITE. Which version of the Gradle Plugin are you using? In order to be able to support big uploads, you need to use plugin version 1.9.0 or above.

davidokonji commented 8 months ago

Hi @0xnm I can confirm, the project uses distribution https\://

0xnm commented 8 months ago

@davidokonji I mean the version of our Datadog Gradle Plugin used, the full list of versions available can be found here

davidokonji commented 8 months ago

Thanks for clarifying @0xnm , we are not using dd-sdk-android-gradle-plugin directly, but using it with expo-datadog@^50.0.0, @datadog/mobile-react-native@^1.8.4" and @datadog/datadog-ci@^2.26.0

louiszawadzki commented 8 months ago

Hi @davidokonji,

Indeed we set the value used in the expo plugin to be 1.5.+ (link to file):

      `    id("com.datadoghq.dd-sdk-android-gradle-plugin") version "1.5.+"`,

I'll make the change so that we use a more recent version, in the meantime and to get unblocked you can use patch-package to set the expo plugin to use "1.9.0" instead.

Let us know if that will solve your use case, we'll send a message here once the expo-plugin is released with the fix :)

davidokonji commented 8 months ago

@louiszawadzki @0xnm Thank you, I have applied the patch and I can confirm it works fine after that patch, looking forward to the new release.

0xnm commented 3 months ago

Closing this issue, because it is not relevant anymore, we support big file uploads now in all DCs.

epool commented 3 months ago

hey @0xnm 👋🏼 first of all thanks for all your support on this issue, but I'm still facing this issue with my mapping.txt file of 133.4 MB:

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:uploadMappingRelease'.
> Unable to upload mapping file for `service:...`, `version:...`, `version_code:...`, `variant:`, `build_id:...` because mapping file is too large; please refer to documentation regarding the limits

with this setup

datadog_plugin_version = "1.14.0"
datadog = { id = "com.datadoghq.dd-sdk-android-gradle-plugin", version.ref = "datadog_plugin_version" }
plugins {

datadog {
    site = "US1"

it seems like it's falling in this condition

could you please give me a hand with this one? 🙏🏼