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Add webview tracking support for flutter_inappwebview plugin #624

Open orevial opened 1 week ago

orevial commented 1 week ago

Feature description

Web View tracking for Flutter is closely coupled to Flutter default webview plugin webview_flutter.

It would be great if there was the same kind of extension on the very popular plugin flutter_inappwebview as well.

This would offer this kind of integration for this plugin :


Proposed solution

Add an extension to flutter_inappwebview controller like we have today for flutter_webview, e.g.:

  initialSettings: InAppWebViewSettings(
    ... some settings

Other relevant information

Proposed solution would be the most integrated solution.

fuzzybinary commented 4 days ago

Hi @orevial,

I will look into it. Can you also raise a feature request with Datadog support so we can capture this internally?
