DataDog / dd-sdk-ios

Datadog SDK for iOS - Swift and Objective-C.
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iOS RUM - View LoadingTime not tracked #1114

Open alexanderthoren opened 1 year ago

alexanderthoren commented 1 year ago

We are currently using Datadog v1.12.0 in iOS with SPM.

In Android we can access the parameter LoadingTime as it is sent to Datadog automatically. In iOS we are not able to track this automatically, and we found out that the class RUMViewScope in the function sendViewUpdateEvent always sends this parameter as nil.

I am attaching two screenshots, the first one from Android and the second one for iOS.

Screenshot 2023-01-05 at 18 01 31 Screenshot 2023-01-05 at 18 01 11

When this will be added to iOS? Is it scheduled for one of the next updates? Thanks! 😄

maxep commented 1 year ago

Hey @alexanderthoren 👋

Indeed, there is no tracking of view loading time on iOS. The reason being that there is no strict definition of when it starts and when it stops. We are not sure what a view loading time would mean for View Controller, or for SwiftUI.View.

Maybe you could share your use case and we could think of a solution? How do you leverage this value on Android?

alexanderthoren commented 1 year ago

Hello @maxep,


In the graph above we can see that when the system function viewDidAppear is called, the view is actually loaded, or at least presented to the user. We could start a timer on the init function and stop it in viewDidAppear to collect that LoadingTime. What do you think about this approach? 🤔

In Android, in onCreate function the timer is started and it stops in the onPause function. Then fun updateViewLoadingTime(key: Any, loadingTimeInNs: Long, type: ViewEvent.LoadingType) is called.

ncreated commented 1 year ago

Hello @alexanderthoren 👋, thank you for more insights. To give you more background, the idea of view.loading_time originated in our Browser SDK and Monitoring Web Page Performance:

view.loading_time - Time until the page is ready and no network request or DOM mutation is currently happening.

In web world, this is very valuable metric indicating How long the user has to wait until all content is ready (on a web page)?. It clearly defines its purpose as different teams can work on optimising website resources, scripts, DOM and othear means to make this initial experience arrive earlier (hence they measure and aim at reducing the view.loading_time).

Measuring UIViewController.init() to .viewDidAppear() won't serve similar purpose because such measurement is detached from content being "ready" for the end user. Think for example of a screen that loads gallery of remote images - it might take several seconds until all images are shown to the user, but init() to .viewDidAppear() will most likely report 0.2s which is default duration in VCs transition. Even if images are not remote, but loaded from local bundle, the measurement won't tell anything about their overall loading performance as viewDidAppear() doesn't await for anything app-specific.

With lack of clear definition for "view loading time" on iOS, we rather promote the API for adding your own performance timing. It can be used to mark the end of app-specific routines, e.g. "all images loaded" or "UI is ready for interaction".