DataDog / dd-trace-js

JavaScript APM Tracer
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Middleware not reported for hapi@16.7.0 #1238

Closed tlhunter closed 10 months ago

tlhunter commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug

APM traces don't seem to pick up middleware usage for the particular version of Hapi one of our services uses. Based on the docs I'm assuming it would automatically extract this info and visualize the middleware stages in the APM graphs.

For example, these pg.query calls belong to the onRequest stage, but don't have any visible association with a middleware:



rochdev commented 3 years ago

What other versions are you using that are working? Did this specific service ever work with a different version?

tlhunter commented 3 years ago

On second look, we don't have any other Hapi services instrumented with Datadog. We've never seen middleware metrics displayed in the APM tool with this server.

rochdev commented 3 years ago

Actually, I may have replied a bit too quickly. Looking at the code it doesn't look like middleware are instrumented for Hapi. Looking at the Hapi documentation, it also doesn't seem to have the concept of a middleware in the Express sense. Can you show an example of the code you would like to automatically get a span for?

tlhunter commented 3 years ago

Hapi takes a little different of an approach but essentially provides a bunch of hooks for injecting functionality at different stages of a request. I don't think they use the term middleware, but it's basically the same thing but with a different interface. I'm having trouble finding this list in the Hapi API docs, but here's a list that a third party put together:

So, for example, our project has a dozen onRequest middleware, some onPreAuth middleware, etc. We'd like it if Datadog could interpose on these layers, logging the time each one takes. Each one of these layers has a name that gets defined that can be used to differentiate them.

Fastify has a very similar pattern, not sure if Datadog is interposing on those. If so, might be able to reuse some code.

rochdev commented 3 years ago

Makes sense. Do you think hapi.middleware would make sense as the span name or would something else be more semantically correct?

tlhunter commented 3 years ago

Looking through articles about Hapi, it looks like they use the term "extension", and then the different sections like onRequest are referred to as "extension points". I believe this is the list of all the extension points:

Here's a third party cheatsheet as I'm not finding results on

I think hapi.extension might be more correct in this case.

tlhunter commented 10 months ago

I'm closing this as it no longer affects the OP.