DataDog / dd-trace-js

JavaScript APM Tracer
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Feature Request: Ava CI Instrumentation #2791

Open schmod opened 1 year ago

schmod commented 1 year ago


Would it be possible to add instrumentation for tracing Ava tests?


frostme commented 11 months ago

+1 to this request! Until this instrumentation has been added I found a work around. 1) Use tap reporting on the ava test command with the tap-junit reporter 2) Upload the output junit xml to datadog.

This would look something like the example commands below: 1) ava --tap | yarn tap-junit --output test-results 2) DATADOG_API_KEY=DATADOG_API_KEY DD_ENV=ci datadog-ci junit upload --service unit-tests test-results/tap.xml

juan-fernandez commented 2 weeks ago

thanks for the request @schmod and sorry for the late reply. We'll consider this request when prioritizing new framework support 😄