DataDog / dd-trace-php

Datadog PHP Clients
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[Feature] Add APM for Serverless PHP #1207

Open eddmann opened 3 years ago

eddmann commented 3 years ago

Over the past couple of weeks we have been setting up DataDog APM within our stack. We have found great value in enabling this on our conventional server-based PHP instances, using the DataDog Agent to forward on the tracing to DataDog.

However, over the past year we have been adopting Serverless (via AWS Lambda) - successfully running PHP applications brought in large part by the BrefPHP project. We noticed that Serverless support is present for languages such as Python/Ruby but sadly not for PHP. We really liked the idea of getting the same level of insight into our Serverless environment as we did the conventional server-based approach so we set aside sometime to explore if this would be possible.


We were able to create a PoC based on the existing PHP-APM extension along with a couple of small modifications. We have made this available at

At a technical level you can see that based on how the Tracer has been designed we only need to supply a different Transport which writes these traces out to stdout (CloudWatch Logs) - like what is done in other languages such as Python. We are already using this to supply custom-metrics from our Serverless application using the JSON-based format which is processed by the DataDog Forwarder.

As it stands this works surprisingly well, with only a couple of caveats:


At a high-level we are wondering if this is something you would look to support in the future?

We understand that PHP is not a supported runtime for AWS so providing a layer etc. maybe a little non-trivial, but providing a means to supply a stdout based trace output like we have shown would be great! In regards to this there already is a Stream transport and Json encoder present in the codebase, so we are not sure if this was an intention at some point already?

lbassin commented 2 years ago

Hi guys, is there any update on this issue? Would you be open to a MR to implement the proof of concept that @eddmann provided?

bwoebi commented 2 years ago

Yes, we would be open to such a MR. However, such an implementation would have to be at the extension layer by now.

That implementation would need to hook into

Note that we are also open to providing an API, such that one can provide a callback from PHP code to be invoked upon flushing here.

deleugpn commented 1 year ago

Just wanted to share this here in case someone else in the future finds it useful:

TL;DR it's possible to use Datadog on Lambda without changing anything on the PHP Extension

dzavalkin-scayle commented 1 year ago

We managed to get it working in a slightly different way. We run Datadog agent as a Fargate task and install only dd-tracer-php PHP extension inside lambda and configured it to connect to external Datadog agent. This way we avoid any possible performance hits caused by running Datadog agent inside lambda. This setup is not in production yet, we are still testing but no problems were noticed so far - dd-tracer-php sends all spans to external Datadog agent and their appear in Datadog UI as expected.

deleugpn commented 1 year ago

hey @dzavalkin-scayle mind sharing how do you configure your Lambda to send logs to the Datadog Agent on Fargate?

zchermit commented 1 year ago

@dzavalkin-scayle Also interesting how to configure this solution.

ttrushin commented 1 year ago

@dzavalkin-scayle Same here. Would love to know how you guys set this up and whether or not it ever made it to production.

danshou commented 1 year ago

It would be great to have this feature to monitor PHP in Lambda.

Anixed commented 1 year ago

With my team we need this feature for serverless PHP.

@dzavalkin-scayle How did with this configuration in production?

dzavalkin-scayle commented 1 year ago

Setup I described above is for APM Datadog integration. Datadog is running as an ECS/Fargate task/service and there is an NLB pointed to it to port 8126. On Lambda side we set the following env variables:

DD_ENV: envname
DD_SERVICE: servicename
DD_SERVICE_MAPPING: pdo:servicename-envname-rds,phpredis:servicename-envname-ec,redis:servicename-envname-ec,guzzle:servicename-envname-guzzle,curl:servicename-envname-curl
DD_TAGS: service:servicename

To forward Lambda logs (and also logs from ECS/Fargate tasks) we use Datadog Forwarder (i.e. CloudWatch Logs -> DD forwarding):

koullislp commented 11 months ago

Would be great to have this supported by Datadog!

astuyve commented 11 months ago

Hey folks! Quick poll on runtimes in Lambda here: 🎉 - Using Bref FPM 🌮 - Using Bref Functions 🚀 - Other (please comment/specify)


ttrushin commented 11 months ago

We are using Laravel Vapor.